IMPORTANT: Reports of burglaries near campus

To all students, faculty, and staff:

As part of our continuing effort to keep the campus community informed about safety matters, we are notifying you that Drake Public Safety has received reports of three burglaries in Drake-owned real estate properties and two incidents of suspicious activity that have occurred since November—with three occurrences during J-Term. All of these incidents involved doors that were broken or found open. These incidents have also been reported to the Des Moines Police Department, which is investigating.

While it is true that most crimes on and around our campus involving members of the Drake community are crimes of opportunity, in these recent cases we have had break-ins to unoccupied—i.e. the tenants were not home—or vacant homes. As a reminder, if you arrive at home and suspect someone has broken in, do not enter the premises, but call the Des Moines Police Department and Public Safety and wait for assistance.

If you or friends are the victim of a crime, please immediately make a  report to Drake Public Safety (271-2222) and the Des Moines Police Department (911).

In addition, here are some links to helpful safety tips:

Personal Safety
Protecting Your Stuff

As a reminder, we strongly suggest that you download the Drake Guardian App and use the Safe Ride Bus for additional safety on and around campus.

—Scott Law, Public Safety