Tree assessment complete

The basic tree assessment of campus trees completed by Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) staff Aaron Harpold, certified arborist, and Jack Bush has determined several trees that are a priority for pruning or removal this winter. Pruning will improve the aesthetics, safety, and health of the tree canopy on campus and is proposed primarily for trees along Painted Street, south of Morehouse, and west of Aliber Hall.

Some tree removals are necessary due to structural problems, disease and insect infestation, storm damage, health condition of the tree, and the proximity to walkways or buildings for the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The tree assessment found eight trees falling under these concerns and recommends their removal. The trees are located on this Tree Removal Map Winter 2016 and identified below:

Map # Size Tree Common Name Location
1 39” Red Oak North of Cole Hall
2 44” Sycamore West of Old Main
3 18” Shingle Oak South of Old Main
4 18” Sugar Maple South of Old Main
5 17” Crimson Maple South of Old Main
6 24” Bur Oak South of Old Main
7 11” White Pine West of Aliber Hall
8 23” Black Locust North of Forest Cleaners

The pruning and tree removals are being scheduled for completion over the winter months. Signage and detours around work areas will be in place during these operations. Due to the defects in the trunks or the particular species of trees, the wood from the removals are not worth keeping for other projects around campus. FPM will be organizing a tree planting on campus for spring. Updates will be provided on the FPM webpage and in OnCampus for those interested in volunteering in planting of the trees.

– Kevin Moran, Facilities Planning and Management