Building STEM@DRAKE construction update

Significant progress on the two new STEM@DRAKE buildings is occurring this summer. The steel beams for the Science Connector Building are nearly all in place as work on electrical and plumbing begins. Underground utility installation continues on Collier-Scripps Hall, and the building footprint is now evident as construction advances to the next phase. This is an exciting time as we start to see real progress on the project. Be sure to check out the Building STEM@DRAKE website for this month’s update with photos.

In addition, the Steering Team has selected a furniture vendor to work with on the project. Pigott Inc. was selected after a comprehensive RFP process involving interviews with several highly qualified furniture vendors. Pigott Inc. offers over 200 different ancillary furnishing lines including Herman Miller. The Steering Team will be working with Pigott to engage many key stakeholders, including faculty, staff, and students, in key decisions about furniture configurations and options.

—Venessa Macro, Chief Administration Officer