Facilities planning and management at Drake

The transition to an integrated Facilities Planning and Management, in which both staff and managers are employed by Drake, has begun. Executive Director Kevin Moran has started the process of filling other key leadership positions and evaluating an appropriate management structure. As we transition in the next few weeks, every effort will be made to maintain continuity of operations.

We ask for your patience and understanding as we make this important transition. We encourage your questions and feedback as we move forward. Please continue to submit work orders using the current system or call the main office number, 271-3955.

Once Facilities Planning and Management is fully staffed, the department will be committed to accomplishing the following long-term goals:

  • Advance continuous improvement planning and measurement in facilities management.
  • Achieve exceptional customer service outcomes.
  • Leverage resources for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Empower employees to contribute in meaningful ways to facilities excellence.
  • Ensure comprehensive and long term capital planning processes.
  • Communicate effectively and openly about priorities, budgeting, and project planning.
  • Build greater capacity for advances in environmental sustainability and coordinated space planning.

We will continue to provide updates on the Facilities Services webpage and in OnCampus. Please don’t hesitate to contact Kevin Moran, kevin.moran@drake.edu, or Jolene Schmidt, jolene.schmidt@drake.edu, if you have any questions.

—Kevin Moran, Executive Director, Facilities Planning and Management