Tree and dedication plaque to recognize essential workers

Thank you to all of Drake University’s essential workers! We are so thankful to have you and appreciate all the work that you have done the past year. In collaboration with many on campus, the All Staff Council Recognition committee assisted in the planting of a tree (thanks to the grounds crew) to show appreciation for this dedicated group of staff members. This tree is located near Goodwin Kirk residence hall and marked by a plaque. It reads:

To Drake’s Essential Workers: We will always remember your steadfast commitment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

“We celebrate them by acting with courage and compassion, 
By doing what is right and just, 
For while we honor them today, 
It is they who every day honor us.” 
Amanda Gorman 

Shukran, Hvala, Thank you, Gracias 

Planted Spring 2021, as recognition from All Staff Council. 

We would also like to share this heartfelt Haiku, written by Provost Sue Mattison:

Essential workers  
Not all the heroes wear capes.  
Thank you, our heroes.   

Thank you to all staff members for the work that you have put in this year as we navigated through the COVID-19 global pandemic, especially our essential workers!