Temperature self-monitoring and face mask requirements

In an effort to help minimize the spread of COVID-19, Drake will soon require temperature self-monitoring for faculty and staff who must come to campus, in accordance with the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Polk County Health Department (PCHD). This new process is not because of any case or concern specific to the University. In Iowa, residential colleges and universities fall within the state’s definition of long-term care facilities for communal living as long as we have students staying in residence halls; as such, PCHD has directed that Drake University take additional steps.   

Beginning this Wednesday, April 15, all Drake University faculty and staff members (including sub-contracted employees) who must come to campus to perform their job functions will be required to measure and record their own body temperature from home or at one of several self-serve stations on campus for indications of a COVID-19 like illness. This step will be required before each work shift or work session on campus.

Additionally, PCHD directed that Drake faculty and staff who come to campus be required to wear fabric or cloth face masks. The University will provide essential employees in Facilities, Mail, Public Safety, and Student Life with masks; other Drake employees will have the option to choose from a University-provided mask (as supplies last) or one they already own. 

Students and visitors to campus (other than delivery drivers) are exempt from the temperature self-monitoring and face mask requirements.

See complete details of these new guidelines.