Campus Mail, Student Services operational updates

Mail Operations: We are still delivering mail on campus with limited/consolidated routes. We will deliver mail to normal departmental mail rooms regularly. Our delivery hours during this period of social distancing are 8 a.m.–3 p.m. We have limited staffing on campus, so we are not always available at the mail room during this time. Please feel free to email if you have questions ( We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

Students living on campus can pick up their mail between the hours of 2:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday, in Lower Olmsted. 

Students that are no longer living on campus will have their mail returned to sender. Please make sure to update your addresses for the remainder of the semester to your current location, especially any saved addresses or subscription services. 

Student Services Center: We are still staffing the SSC from 8 a.m.–3 p.m., Monday–Friday. If a time comes when this is no longer possible, we will post an update, and will switch to service by appointment only.

If you need assistance with a physical ID card, keys, or a parking pass, you may still visit us in Olmsted. If your issue or question can instead be addressed with an email or phone call, we encourage you to reach out with one of those methods to limit contact on campus. You can email, or call 515-271-2000 or 515-271-4748 (Sara Heijerman) for assistance.

Thank you for your flexibility during this time.

 — Drake Postal Operations and Student Services Center