New Drake Website in Development: What You Should Know

The Drake University Communications & Marketing (UCM) team, in close partnership with ITS and partner agency, Carnegie, have been working diligently on the initial phases of a website redesign for The new website will be an enrollment-first destination for prospective students and families, with a focus on usability and accessibility.  

The teams are grateful to the many faculty and staff on campus who have already contributed to the process, as we’ve been working through the new website’s structure and auditing more than 5,000 pages that are live on the current website. 

As an outcome of the current website audit, we have identified a number of pages that would be better suited to myDrake internal sites and/or Teams versus being public facing on Migration of this content will require assistance and input from individuals across programs and departments. 

Starting this spring, expect that the project team will begin reaching out to many of you for assistance and input on website content and migration of content to myDrake internal sites or Teams. We will work with campus partners to understand the options available for where that content can migrate and provide training necessary to allow for the content migration. 

More details and updates are forthcoming as we progress through the process. We appreciate the collective effort and are confident the new website will better serve prospective students and families through their college decision-making process. 

— Leslie Maynes, executive director, University Communications and Marketing; and Keren Fiorenza, deputy CITO & chief information security officer