Deputy Provost 2:10—Continually learning, strengthening community: CTE and Deputy Provost sponsored development opportunities

Every Tuesday in OnCampus the Deputy Provost shares two articles with a read time of 10 minutes.

When we gather together to share about our teaching and research work, we build community that improves our time in the classroom and strengthens students’ experiences. Plus, it’s fun. Consider these upcoming opportunities:

On April 15, Professor Sally Haack will present on the various Scholarship of Teaching and Learning projects she has accomplished in the School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, with an emphasis on talking about lessons learned – and helping attendees generate ideas for SOTL projects across the disciplines.  Howard Hall 210, 12:30 – 1:30, lunch provided – please register by April 8.

The final Books for Breakfast of the academic year will be April 20 and 27, from 8:30 – 9:30, in Howard Hall 210, and we will be reading Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What’s Next.  Sign up, here, by April 8.  This book is perfect for heading into summer and for redefining what’s most important in our scholarly, creative, and personal lives.

On April 22, Professor Tim Urness (Math and Computer Science) will tell us all about (work) his trip to Italy … and what to do, in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, “When You Think You Have a Good Idea, but Just Need to Prove It.”  Howard Hall 210, 12:30 – 1:30, lunch provided; please register by April 15.

On Wednesday, May 4, at 7 pm, Cathy Davidson, the author of The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux, will address the campus community, virtually.   Sign up to receive the link to this event, here.   If you’d like to join us for a catered Watch Party and after-presentation discussion, please let us know, here. We will also have the opportunity to gather together on Monday, May 9th  from 3:30 – 5:00 in Howard Hall 210, to discuss Dr. Davidson’s book, after her visit.  Please register here, so we know how many books to buy and can provide an appropriate amount of refreshments.

All Faculty Development Workshop: Meeting Our Students As We Find Them Post-Covid.  Please plan for an intensive two-and-a-half day workshop appropriate for all Drake faculty and staff who teach – but especially designed for First Year Seminar instructors, those engaged in the teaching of writing (across the curriculum and in your disciplines), those engaged in teaching math and science across the university, faculty who want to do community engaged learning, and those faculty who want to learn more about how to make their online and face-to-face courses truly accessible to their students.  We will meet as a whole group, and in cohorts, on May 18 and 19 from 8:30 to 4:00 each day, and from 8: 30 – noon on Friday May 20.  Faculty who attend and participate will receive $375 stipends, access to some terrific guest speakers, all materials, ample time in shared conversation and directed learning, and meals – as well as an invitation to be part of compensated faculty learning communities meeting through fall and summer.  To assist in our planning, please register at this link, as soon as you are able to commit.

— Renée Cramer, Deputy Provost