Sponsored by John Pappajohn and Equity Dynamics, Inc., the Pappajohn Student Entrepreneurial Venture Competition is for Iowa university and college students with an interest in starting their own business. Plans are judged based on a) Content of Plan and b) Viability of business idea. Three (3) seed grants in the amount of $5,000 are awarded to the top three business plans submitted in the competition. In addition, all finalists receive $500 if not chosen for the top awards.
Any full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate registered for the 2021-2022 academic year is eligible. Plans must be for a start-up business only (not for an existing business). Visit https://tinyurl.com/drakestudentpappajohn to learn more and apply! Questions? Email jpec@drake.edu.
— Stephanie Cardwell, CBPA