Update on customized work arrangements for staff

Over the past couple of weeks, the task force has been diligently working on a detailed guide to support managers and staff when exploring Customized Work Arrangements (CWAs). The first iteration of the guide is now complete and the editing and formatting stages are about to begin.

The task force will also be revisiting the draft policies, after reflecting on the thoughtful comments provided during the policy review process. That will take another week or two.

At present, we are still looking at an early January effective date for the revised and new policies. In areas where CWAs may make sense, staff can review their essential functions at any time to assure they are accurate, up-to-date, and complete. This should be something all staff members do annually—and ahead of the annual performance review cycle.

Where can staff find a list of their essential functions?
Visit my.drake.edu
Select Employee Performance Evaluation Menu
Select View Essential Job Functions

If you think edits or updates are needed, you can copy and paste into a Word document. Highlight edits or use track changes, so edits are visible. While essential duties are determined by managers, it will be helpful to your manager to consider your proposed edits and comments.

Speaking of January, we are thrilled to share that Alanah Mitchell, Aliber Distinguished Associate Professor and Chair of Information Management and Business Analytics, will facilitate a BUILD session on Jan. 19 from 10–11 a.m. in Olmsted Center, Rooms 310/311, on Leading Hybrid Teams. In this session, Mitchell will share strategies for effective leadership of hybrid team members including actionable suggestions for leaders of hybrid teams.

For existing and aspiring managers, this will be a great opportunity to learn from a resident expert. The Spring BUILD line-up is still a work in progress; however, you can register for this information session now by emailing Linda Feiden at linda.feiden@drake.edu. While directed toward leading hybrid teams, insights will be valuable to all staff. Please consider attending.

Maureen De Armond, Human Resources