Return to campus self monitoring, travel reminders

As we return to campus, please be aware of these important requirements:

Self Monitoring and Reporting:
All Drake University employees (including faculty, staff, and sub-contracted employees) are required to measure and record their own body temperature from home or at one of several self-serve stations on the Drake campus for indications of COVID-19 like illness prior to working on campus. Some departments, such as Facilities and Public Safety, may develop their own temperature monitoring process requirements consistent with this policy.

Employees must notify the Director of Environmental Health and Safety using this form and notify their manager of any of the following: 

  1. Any symptoms currently considered to be associated with COVID-19 as indicated by the CDC at, including a temperature of 100.4 or higher,
  2. A personal diagnosis of COVID-19, or
  3. Close personal contact (defined as being within 6 feet for 15 minutes or longer) with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Employees reporting any of the above will not be allowed to report to work until personally notified that it is safe to do so by the University’s Department of Environmental Health and Safety. 

Out of State Travel Reporting:
Faculty and staff are to report out of state travel to the Director of Environmental Health and Safety by submitting this form.

Thank you for your help in keeping our campus safe and healthy for everyone in our community.

— Mary Alice Hill, Human Resources