Helping students with financial obstacles

Have you ever heard students say that they may not be able to return to school because a parent lost a job, or due to significant family medical expenses? Have you wondered how to help?
Federal regulations give financial aid administrators the authority to make certain adjustments (called professional judgements) to a student’s FAFSA to better reflect a student’s current financial circumstances. Professional judgments may result in an increase to the student’s eligibility for need-based assistance.

Student Financial Planning has developed the Special Circumstances Form designed to help a student report financial situations that are either not reported on the FAFSA, or have changed since the tax year on which the FAFSA is based. Our office will review these forms to determine if adjustments to a student’s FAFSA could be made.

I know that students frequently share their financial struggles with others around campus. Thank you for your partnership as we seek to increase awareness about this recourse for students encountering financial hardship. Please share this form with students who may need it, or direct them to Student Financial Planning for assistance.

Ryan Zantingh, Director of Financial Aid