Big Ideas submission period begins Monday

How do we ensure that Drake University is great for years to come? With Big Ideas. Drake’s Big Ideas initiative invites faculty, staff, students, and volunteers to submit ideas that have the potential to make a powerful and momentous impact on Drake, the region, and the world.

Proposals can be submitted beginning Monday, Jan. 14. The submission window will remain open for one month, closing Feb. 15.

The initiative invites the University community to take a shared ownership in defining Drake’s future. Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Big Ideas Steering Committee, with select proposals being used by University Advancement to attract and inspire private giving in the years ahead.

Visit the Big Ideas website to read more about what is a Big Idea, the submission process, and project timeline. The website also contains a FAQ to help you better understand the initiative. Those with Big Ideas are encouraged to reach out to a member of the Steering Committee for questions and as a resource as they develop their proposal.

Beginning Monday, faculty, staff, and students (through a campus champion) are encouraged to submit bold, transformational ideas that will help solidify Drake as a leading institution for generations to come.

John Smith, University Advancement