Iowa 9-year-old behind the popular @IvePetThatDog Twitter account meets Griff

Gideon Kidd, a 9-year-old boy from Cedar Falls, is quickly gaining popularity through his Twitter account @IvePetThatDog, which has grown to over 91,000 followers in the last two years. The account features daily pictures and short narratives of the nearly 400 dogs he’s met. On June 15, Gideon was able to meet and pet Griff at Cole Hall.

In his tweet, Gideon posted a picture with Griff and said, “I pet @DrakeUGriff. He is a 6-year-old champion bulldog who is now the mascot for @DrakeUniversity. He is stubborn and likes attention. He has his own bed in the Admissions building. Griff’s favorite thing is food. He was once caught on top of the buffet table at a public event.”

Media outlets across the state covered the event, including WHO-TV, ABC-5, KCCI-8, KCRG-9, and the Des Moines Register. View the Des Moines Register’s story and a gallery of photos.