Online Programs has been busy working on the development of an infrastructure that will support the launch and persistence of new online programs. This work has resulted in several different work teams and processes. This information will be readily available once our website is complete, but in the meantime, here are some updates that campus might find helpful.
Several work teams have been organized to ensure that progress continues in the overall leadership and growth of the programs. The seven teams are responsible for specific areas of online programs, including leadership, program analysis and development, infrastructure, online teaching support, program assessment, student success, and alumni relations. Teams are co-chaired with other areas of campus to build synergy.
A process has been developed to launch new online programs. In working with the colleges, schools, and enrollment management, it became apparent that we needed a structured method for online program ideas to be analyzed and developed. The Program Development and Analysis Team, comprised of deans and associate deans, the deputy provost, and executive director of online programs will oversee this process. The process lays out the steps for launching an online program. Faculty and staff are encouraged to work with their department and school leadership on all submissions. The process and necessary forms are available from the Online Programs office until the website is completed.
Finally, Preview Week started yesterday, Jan. 22. Preview Week allows online students to view their online classes a week before the start of the semester. This allows students to view syllabi and look at deadlines and due dates to prepare them for upcoming weeks. This is a best practice in online learning, designed to facilitate student success by allowing students time to become better organized. It also affords adult students ample time to drop a course if they find the workload does not fit in their schedule.
If you have any questions, comments, or would like a copy of any of the documents mentioned, please contact me at or extension 2506. The documents will also be available on the Provost’s website soon. Classes begin on Jan. 29. We are ready to welcome our first online students to Drake!
— Christina Trombley, Online Programs