Facilities Planning and Management launched a new service request system in October, moving from InSite to TeamDynamix. As of Jan. 11, campus partners submitted more than 1,700 service requests through the new system, and approximately 1,500 of those are complete.
The move to TeamDynamix not only made sense financially, but it provided the framework for a unified tracking service across campus. This change aligns with our Continuous Improvement Plan initiative aimed at continually examining campus processes.
The new system supports our departmental commitments, which are:
- Ensure that we meet promised response and resolution timeframes.
- Collaborate to find reasonable and supportable long-term solutions.
- Strive to understand issues and requests before beginning work.
- Confirm that the request was completed to your satisfaction and in a professional manner.
- Improve communication related to project schedules and staffing.
- Work as a team to provide facility-related services on behalf of Drake.
These commitments assure that we achieve our Scorecard objectives.
In addition to the Survey of Administration Services, we plan to use the Satisfaction and Performance Survey, provided through TeamDyanmix, to measure our performance. Click here to view the survey results.
— Manny Toribio, Facilities Planning and Management