Engaging with students at events

The Office of Student Inclusion, Involvement, and Leadership is looking for faculty and staff who would like to engage with students outside of their normal roles.

Each semester, many events and programs require extra help from faculty and staff. Some of these events include fraternity and sorority recruitment, Dogtown After Hours, and the Relays concert. At times, extra people are needed to help maintain order, and at other times, people are needed to help with specific tasks.

We are building a directory of faculty and staff who are interested in assisting with events. If you would like to be included in the directory, please fill out this form. You will be contacted based on the preferences you select.

Spending time with students outside of your normal role is a great way to build rapport with students and add a little more fun to your life.

For questions, email Kodee Wright at kodee.wright@drake.edu.

Kodee Wright, Office of Student Inclusion, Involvement, and Leadership