Online programs update

Since the launch of the new online programs, Master of Arts in Communication and Master of Science in Education–Literacy Education, several milestones have been achieved, including the admittance of our first online students.

Landing pages created

Our online program manager, Higher Education, created and posted the first of many landing pages for our programs. These landing pages are designed explicitly to spur potential students to action. These pages are part of different digital campaigns, including a strong Facebook ad campaign. Visit to view the pages.

Staff trained and ready

One of the important aspects of the partnership between Drake and Higher Education is the transparency of processes. The last three months have been used to ensure systems are working together and that all staff at each institution understands them. This past month, Admissions, the Registrar’s Office, and Online Program staff have been working together to train Higher Education staff on our processes, and we have been learning theirs, including a dynamic dashboard that tracks application status for potential students and provides essential demographic data to assist in communication and marketing.

First admitted students

Both programs have students who have completed their application and been admitted into the program. Currently, there are about two dozen more potential students in the process of applying. It is exciting and gratifying to see the hard work of so many areas culminate into a class of Drake students. We are confident that both programs will have a strong core group of students.

Next Steps

As the programs begin, there is still much to do. Programmatic landing pages will be developed to include some A/B testing, the web pages for online degrees will be developed that will include student support information and guides, and more faculty and instructors will complete the Quality Matters modules and work with our instructional designers. To date, ten faculty and staff have completed the Online Teaching Certificate through Quality Matters, and another four have completed the required modules. Several others are prepared to take courses next year. If you are teaching in the online programs and are not sure how to register, please contact me at extension 2506 or at

—Christina Trombley, Online Programming