Mentors in Violence Prevention looking to partner

Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) is a group of student leaders who facilitate discussions on harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, bullying, and other forms of gender violence. Drake’s MVP student facilitators are looking to partner with campus professionals and organizations.  MVP peer facilitators can come to groups and classes to present 30–90 minute sessions on bystander intervention. MVP is most effective when participants receive multiple doses; they are always looking for partners with ideas or time for multiple sessions. Also, depending on the audience, professional staff can be partnered with student facilitators.

If you or a group you are part of is interested in partnering with MVP, contact Tess Cody at A sample of topics that MVP facilitators have covered in the past, include:

  • Bystander intervention basics
  • Gender stereotypes
  • Sexualized rumors
  • Sexual harassment
  • Healthy relationships

More examples and session descriptions available online.

MVP aims to inspire leadership by empowering individuals with tools to lead and with concrete options to effect change in their peer cultures and across campus.

—Tess Cody, Prevention Coordinator for Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct