Define the Line. Respect the Line: Resources available online

Drake’s Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct policy outlines prohibited behaviors and also offers resources for individuals who have experienced  or who have questions about sexual violence or assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, dating/domestic violence, or stalking. The Title IX webpage includes the policy; resources for support; options for reporting; and types of campus assistance with safety, housing, or classes.

If you have questions about sexual and interpersonal misconduct, or if you would like to learn more about prevention efforts or Drake’s policies and procedures, please contact Title IX Coordinator Katie Overberg (271-2982 or or Violence Prevention Coordinator Tess Cody (271-4141 or

What is Define the Line. Respect the Line.?
Define the Line. Respect the Line. is a Drake initiative to raise awareness of prevention efforts as well as resources and support the University provides as it pertains to sexual and interpersonal misconduct. Drake is committed to providing a living and learning environment free from sexual and interpersonal misconduct. Our line: sexual and interpersonal misconduct is not accepted, tolerated, or ignored at Drake. Through prevention, intervention, education, and communication, each student, faculty and staff member, and administrator must play a role in establishing a culture that respects this line. We each have the power to Define the Line. Respect the Line.

— Katie Overberg, Title IX Coordinator; and Tess Cody, Prevention Coordinator for Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct