Healthy4U BINGO

Healthy4U BINGO is a great way to have fun and win prizes, all in the name of better wellbeing! The goal is to fill up a blank BINGO card (or two) with healthy activities you complete from a list and then play a game of Healthy4U BINGO for prizes.

How does it work?
Participants will receive a packet which includes directions, a list of Healthy4U BINGO activities, and a blank BINGO card. During the month of June simply complete various activities from the list and record them on the blank BINGO card. There’s a broad range of activities to choose from and you can complete them from home or work so everyone can participate.

On Friday, June 30, at 12 p.m., bring your completed BINGO card to the Olmsted Center, Conference Room 310/311, and join us for a fun game of Healthy4U BINGO for prizes! If interested in participating, send an email to Linda Feiden at with the subject line “BINGO.” Deadline to register is noon on Wednesday, May 31.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources