IT security updates

Save the Date—Shred Event
The third annual all-Drake shred event is happening Thursday, April 20, 12–3 p.m. in the Olmsted parking lot. Bring all your confidential documents and have them shredded for free!

Protect Yourself from Tax Fraud
As the deadline for tax filing looms, the wave of scams from attackers trying to get their hands on your personal information is reaching its crest. The IRS estimates that identity thieves have stolen over $8 billion by filing fraudulent tax returns in the past several years, and the trend is remaining steady.

Scammers like to take advantage of stress and heightened emotions to trick you into taking actions that you would not normally take.

Here are some common tactics:

  • Identity Theft: If your identity has been stolen in the past, thieves may use this information during tax season. The IRS reports large numbers of claims filed under others identities.
  • Email Scams: Emails claiming to be from the IRS, tax preparers, employers, and others ask you to take immediate action, however the IRS and other agencies don’t communicate via email.
  • Phone Scams: Callers will claim that you are subject to an audit or fines but that a credit card payment over the phone can resolve the problem quickly and without publicity. They also might notify you of a pending refund and ask for account information to deposit funds.

These tactics and others escalate through, and even after, the tax deadline. Don’t be fooled! Find out more information on combatting and responding to tax fraud on the Information Security website.

—Peter Lundstedt, Information Security Manager