Furniture and ergonomic aids

New furniture needs: Please contact Caron Findlay for any departmental furniture needs. She will obtain quotes for you based on current contracts and verify where standardization is necessary. Drake has standardized two models of Hon desk chairs, and you can contact Caron to set up a time to test the samples.

Ergonomic needs: Caron has multiple samples of items from Office Depot to choose from in her office. Please contact her to set up a meeting to look at these items after confirming need with your supervisor.

Surplus furniture: From time to time departments find they no longer need certain items. If these items are deemed to be in good condition and are able to be repurposed, they are stored in a warehouse. Please contact Caron if you are looking for used furniture for your department and she will determine if there is any surplus on hand that will meet your needs.

—Caron Findlay, Director, Purchasing and Business Services