Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship event Feb. 22

What: “Kleptomaniacal Chimpanzees, Unripe Figs, and Lousy Knees: Drake Goes to Rwanda” presented by The Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship
When: Feb. 22, 7–8:30 p.m.
Where: Sussman Theater, Olmsted Center

Michael Renner is a professor of biology and psychology and routinely teaches courses in both of these departments as well as the environmental science and policy program. His research is organized around the broad theme of the reciprocal influences between organisms and their environments and has included work in the neuroanatomical and neurochemical influences of environmental enrichment, theoretical models for animal curiosity, and the development of new methods of measuring and quantifying animal behavior. His current projects include optimizing the captive management of endangered species in zoo environments and field studies to model and prevent crop raiding by chimpanzees along the boundaries of the Gishwati Forest Reserve in the Western Province of Rwanda.