Interning in the nation’s capital?

Are you interning in Washington, D.C. this summer? Would you like to have your travel and housing accommodations covered? The Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement provides housing and transportation to a Drake undergraduate student with financial need who has secured a summer internship in a congressional office, government agency, or nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C. This scholarship is designed to expose the student to policymakers and the policymaking process, much as Senator Harkin experienced as an intern for Congressman Neal Smith in the summer of 1969, an experience that inspired Senator Harkin to pursue a career in public service.

An informational meeting will be held on Thursday, Feb. 11 at 7 p.m., at The Harkin Institute, 2429 University Ave. For more information or to obtain an application form, please contact Amy Beller at or 515-271-2875.

—Submitted by Amy Beller, Project Manager, Harkin Institute