Human Rights in Cultural Context

The Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship invites all faculty, staff, students, and community members to attend the first event of the semester, “Human Rights in Cultural Context,” featuring Deslie Billich, a global expert on human rights, anti-corruption, human trafficking, victim protection, and gender assessments. The lecture will take place on Thursday, Jan. 28,  at 7 p.m. in Sussman Theater, Olmsted Center.

Billich’s talk will highlight how cultural norms play a role in human trafficking on an international level, both in developing networks and victims, and in hindering prosecution through corruption.

Billich is a scholar and attorney in South Australia who is widely recognized as an authority in international rule of law. She provides training to judiciary officials and attorneys, law enforcement, and victim service providers in legal aspects of human rights, trafficking in persons, and criminal justice. She has served as a consultant and presenter for national and international forums including the United Nations, Amnesty International, Red Cross, and the U.S. Department of State, and she is a member of the International Association of Prosecutors and the International Law Association.

The Principal Financial Group Center for Global Citizenship hosts a number of free and open to the public events each semester—see what’s planned for Spring 2016 here.

—Submitted by David Skidmore, Director, The Principal Financial Center for Global Citizenship