Category Archives: Campus Announcements

Dean’s Speaker Series Platforms Prominent Corporate Leadership

Drake Law School is proud to announce the second installment of the Dean’s Speaker Series, featuring two prominent leaders in corporate America. Natalie Lamarque, Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary at Principal Financial Group and Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., MA’91, JD’92, President & CEO of Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

Dean Jones will facilitate a discussion on the role of lawyers in corporate leadership, navigating challenges, developing key skills for success, and more. Panelists will share valuable insights, strategies, and their personal journeys to the top. The presentation will be followed by a reception in Kern Commons.

Dean Jones will facilitate a dynamic discussion on the vital role of lawyers in corporate leadership, exploring key topics such as navigating challenges, developing essential skills for success, and more. Attendees will gain valuable insights from the panelists’ personal journeys, strategies, and experiences.

The presentation will be followed by a reception in Kern Commons.

This event is free and open to the public. Register here.

— Taylor Johnson, Law School

Fartlek Running Group

Based on a Swedish running technique, this is a fun and creative way to increase your speed and endurance whether you are planning on running the Road Races or just want to feel included in Relays. This half-hour run will be a great way to get some movement and social time!

We will run outside unless the weather is bad, in which case we will use the Knapp center track

The club will run Wednesdays from 11:45–12:15, Feb 12–April 16.

—Gail Witte, Rec Services

Japan Study Abroad Info Session March 10

Interested in studying abroad in Japan?

The Incoming Team at Kwansei Gakuin University, located in Osaka, Japan, will host an info session in March for students who may be interested in studying abroad in Japan.

The session will include a short greeting from the Contemporary Japan Program Director, an introduction of the university and the exchange program, a mock class, as well as an introduction to KGU Campus life and a Q&A.

The Info Session is scheduled for Monday, March 10 at 8:00 pm. Register here to attend:

This session is aimed towards:

  • Students interested in studying in Japan but still exploring options
  • Students planning to study abroad at KGU
  • Students already nominated to KGU but wanting to learn more
  • Faculty or staff interested in learning more about the program

— Emily Erschen, Global Engagement

Roads to Religion 2025

On Sunday, Feb. 23, from 3–5 p.m., Drake University’s The Comparison Project, in conjunction with the “Iowa Interfaith Exchange,” hosts “Roads to Religion” in the Olmsted Center (Parents Hall) on Drake’s campus. The event, which is free and open to the public, features dozens of local religious communities, collectively representing at least a dozen religious traditions. These communities will be arranged throughout the hall as if on a map of the metro area. Visitors will receive a map to guide them in their exploration of them. Refreshments will be provided by Drake’s catering service, Sodexo.

The ”Iowa Interfaith Exchange” includes Drake’s The Comparison Project and three other local nonprofits: CultureALL, the Des Moines Area Religious Council, and Interfaith Alliance of Iowa.

— Catalina Samaniego, College of Arts & Sciences

Apply to Study Abroad Fall 2025 before April 1

Drake Global Engagement is excited to announce students will apply to study abroad for fall 2025 and beyond through a new, more streamlined study abroad application system!  It will be going live soon with an update sent out in the next OnCampus.

If you are interested in studying abroad fall 2025 and haven’t already met with Global Engagement, set up a meeting with Drake’s Education Abroad Coordinator, Emily Erschen, through Starfish.  This will ensure we know who is interested and we will reach out to you directly when we go live.  As a reminder, the application deadline to study abroad Fall 2025 is April 1st.

— Emily Erschen, Global Engagement

Heavy Weightlifting Class at the Bell Center

Join Drake Weightlifting Club for a special Heavy Weightlifting series adjustable to all levels. We will use the Athletic Training Gym in the Bell Center.  These classes are for everyone, please join the class that best suits your needs.  If you require any further accommodations, please contact

The series will run weekly until March 6..

Women’s+ classes: Mondays and Wednesdays, 7 p.m.

Mens’s+ classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7 p.m.

Check the Drake Rec App for details and signup.

— Gail Witte, Rec Services

Adaptive Fitness Series at the Bell Center

Join us for an adaptive fitness series at the Bell Center. These are classes targeting everyone, especially people who may not feel comfortable in typical fitness classes. We want everyone to be able participate in a way that will work for them and their body. Feel free to take a break at any time and we will be giving frequent breaks. We are also increasing the number of verbal instructions/cues.

We are also doing our best to make these classes sensory friendly so feel free to bring any sensory equipment you normally need/use. We will also be dimming lighting (expect for the pool), turning off tv, and playing any music at a lower volume. Contact with any questions.

— Gail Witte, Rec Services