Category Archives: News & Achievements Archive

Alysa Mozak named to nationwide task force

Alysa Mozak, coordinator for sexual violence response and healthy relationship promotion, was chosen to be a part of a nationwide effort to work on campus gender violence prevention. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention charged 15 states, including Iowa, to be part of the initial strategic team. This effort is part of the larger White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault that was launched January 2014 through the Not Alone Campaign. The Iowa team includes members from the Iowa Department of Public Health Violence Prevention Unit, a local county Campus Prevention Specialist, Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault Prevention Education Coordinator, and a faculty member from an Iowa public regent university (UNI).

Mozak and the Iowa team convened with 14 other state representatives at the CDC to start this effort on July 20–22 in Atlanta, GA. The Iowa team is tasked to start plans to engage the state’s private and public institutions of higher education toward comprehensive, effective primary prevention initiatives. The vision is that Iowa institutions of higher education will act as catalysts for comprehensive gender violence prevention initiatives that build safe and equitable campuses and communities.

Wrapping paper donations needed for Welcome Weekend service project

Every year during Welcome Weekend first-year students are introduced to the benefits of service in the Drake community by participating in a book-wrapping service project with Everybody Wins! Iowa. Wrapped books are donated to elementary-aged children that participate in the Everybody Wins! Iowa reading program at King Elementary. We have around 1,000 books to wrap for this project, and that requires a lot of wrapping paper! If you can donate any wrapping paper (holiday or non-holiday, no birthday-themed) or other items for this service project, it would be highly appreciated. Please drop donations off to Old Main 319 or contact student coordinator Madison at

Volunteer at the Iowa State Fair

Everyone loves going to the State Fair! If you want to get in for free and share your love for Drake with the community, the Community Engagement and Service-Learning Office can use your help! There are several changes to this year’s involvement with the State Fair including a bigger booth space in the Varied Industries Building.

Several volunteer shifts are still open at the VI building nearly every day of the fair. VI volunteers will serve a four-hour shift (in the air conditioning!) and be expected to chat with state fair goers, give away prizes, help visitors take photos at our selfie station, and more!

Sign up today and share your love for our Bulldog community at the fair.

Drake news

Drake’s Actuarial Science program had plenty to celebrate this month, including a $1 million gift from Sammons Enterprises, Inc., and a renewed Center for Actuarial Excellence designation from the Society of Actuaries. Meanwhile, Drake adopted a new test-flexible admission policy, allowing prospective students to choose whether to submit a standardized test result as part of their application. The Iowa Caucus Project launched in July; the site, which will be run by students, will serve as an information and news resource on the upcoming Iowa caucuses.

In memoriam

I am saddened to report that Emeritus Professor of Theatre Bill Coleman passed away on July 8. Doc Coleman, as his students called him, retired from Drake in 2000 after 37 years as a member of the Theatre department, teaching generations of students. He had a prolific career as a writer and director, one that he continued to enjoy to the very end. In case you missed it, there was a wonderful feature about him in the Des Moines Register and in the most recent issue of Drake Blue magazine.
—Joe Lenz, Interim Provost

Institutional Research welcomes assessment coordinator

Michelle Rogers has been named the assessment coordinator at Drake. She will join a collaborative team committed to using assessment as a means to improve academic programs and student learning. Rogers will partner with administration, faculty, staff, and students to develop and implement assessment plans for institution-wide programs. Rogers will also assist in providing workshops for ongoing assessment initiatives and serve on appropriate campus committees.

She previously worked with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium on its digital library project to support K-12 teachers in implementing formative assessment practices in their instruction. She is completing her doctoral work in educational psychology at the University of Iowa (UI).

Rogers has taught courses in educational psychology at the University of Iowa and presented her research at numerous conferences. She was honored with the prestigious Dean’s Fellowship at UI and received various grants, including the Iowa Educational Research and Evaluation award and the Iowa Measurement Research Foundation award.