Category Archives: HR Information Archive

‘Make It OK’ virtual presentation

One in five people have been diagnosed with a mental illness. Yet, unlike diabetes or other physical health conditions, the majority of individuals are fearful to talk about mental illness due to the stigma surrounding it.

 Make It OK is a national campaign, which encourages individuals to talk more openly about mental illness in hopes of de-stigmatizing it so individuals will be more open to seek care.

Join us on Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 2–3 p.m. for this virtual presentation, led by Jami Haberl, Executive Director, the Healthiest State Initiative.  To register, please send an email to

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Attention health plan participants with out-of-state dependents

If you elected coverage for your dependents who reside out-of-state, you must contact Wellmark Customer Service (800-362-2230) to request a guest membership in Drake’s Health Plan. You will also need to designate an out-of-state primary care provider for your dependents to ensure access to in-network benefits. Your dependents may locate in-network Blue Card providers by calling 800-810-BLUE or visiting the National Doctor and Hospital Finder at Should you have questions about this process, please contact Wellmark Customer Service at 800-362-2230.

— Marlene Heuertz, Human Resources

Inspirational speaker series kicks off Feb. 3

The National Association on Mental Illness (NAMI) Greater Des Moines chapter, has put together a new speaker series featuring some of the top motivational speakers in the country. Each of these virtual webinars are free. Their opening event will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 12 p.m. Check out the details and register for the speaker series.

This six-part speaker series is part of a free webinar series from NAMI in 2021. Topics range from managing stress and understanding seasonal affective disorder to problem solving and PTSD. Their goal is to ensure that mental health services and supports are readily accessible to everyone in need.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

New out-of-state work policy

Drake has developed a new policy establishing a mandatory University-wide process for securing approval for all employee out-of-state work arrangements; this policy applies to all part-time and full-time faculty and staff of the University.  All interested members of the Drake community are encouraged to review and comment on these policy revisions by Feb. 15.

— Jessica Morgan-Tate, Finance & Administration

Important: Primary Care Provider designation

Attention health plan participants: If you did not designate a Primary Care Provider (PCP) during the annual open enrollment period, or if you listed your doctor’s name but did not include the enrollment ID number, you will receive an email from Human Resources later this week with instructions for completing the required PCP designation. If you receive an email from, please read it carefully and follow the instructions. A subsequent communication will also be provided by Wellmark via U.S. Mail.

Should you have questions, please contact Human Resources at 271–1901 or

Everyone else will soon begin receiving their new insurance cards via U.S. Mail.  Additional cards may be ordered by contacting Wellmark at 800–362–2230.

Dealing with grief over the holidays

As the holidays approach, it can be a time for great joy.  For some, this is also a time for grief.  Grief is a person’s normal, healthy response to a loss.  People grieve for many different reasons, including the loss of a loved one, changes in a relationship, job, finances, health, or traditions.  COVID-19 has created many changes in our way of life, and contributed to increased feelings of grief.

The December Employee Newsletter from Employee & Family Resources addresses this topic and shares tips to help you cope with grief.  It also includes links to past webinars and podcasts you may wish to review over the holidays.

Employee & Family Resources offers a variety of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) resources to help you now, or anytime.  You can reach EAP by phone (800-327-4692) or visit their website at  All EAP benefits are confidential and available 24/7/365.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Holiday season well-being ideas and resources

December is National Stress-Free Family Holidays month.  Even in a non-pandemic year, that is a tall order. Parties, shopping, and the persistent checklist of demands which may have caused you stress last year has been replaced by the fear of getting COVID-19 and the isolation and loss of holiday traditions with those we love.

Although this year may look different, there are ways to safely adjust your traditions, or create new traditions. The more you can remain connected, while being apart, the more “normal” the holidays will feel.  Here are a few ideas.

Coordinate your holiday dinner schedule with long distance family members and chat with loved ones as you dine together, virtually, using a digital platform.

Digital platforms can also help you and your family connect while opening presents or celebrating other holiday traditions. In addition, it is a great tool to virtually play games, work on crafts, or watch a movie.

If your family lives close by, but is not part of your safe bubble, consider taking a walk outdoors, ice skating, or having a snowman making competition, while social distancing. Physical activity can boost your mood, lower your stress and has the added bonus of helping burn a few calories.

Remember, if you feel overwhelmed or stressed, slow down and focus on what you can control such as eating a healthy diet, exercising, getting enough sleep, following the CDC guidelines and limiting the amount of daily news while staying informed.

If you are taking steps to manage worry and anxiety, but they do not seem to be helping, there are additional resources available.  Employee & Family Resources offers a variety of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) resources to help you now, or anytime. You can reach EAP by phone (800-327-4692) or visit their website at  All EAP benefits are confidential and available 24/7/365.   

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Stretch your benefit dollars with a Drake FSA

Enrollment Instructions. Drake’s annual open enrollment period for the 2021 Plan Year ends Monday, Nov. 30, at 11:59 p.m. Per IRS regulations, employees wishing to participate in Drake’sFlexible Spending Account (FSA) Plans must make a new election each Plan Year. Annual enrollment elections should be made for expenses incurred during the 2021 Plan Year.

Tax Savings. Participating in a flexible spending account (FSA) helps you save money by allowing you to set aside pre-tax dollars through automatic payroll deduction. Your pre-tax dollars may be used to pay for eligible health, dental, vision and dependent care expenses. See an example of how an employee’s take-home pay increases with participation in an FSA Plan.

Contribution Limits. Allowable contribution amounts for the 2021 Plan Year remain unchanged.

Health Care FSA Plan:
— Minimum Amount: $120
— Maximum Amount: $2,750

Dependent Care FSA Plan:
— Minimum Amount: $300
— Maximum Amount: $5,000

Carry Over Feature. Participants in Drake’s Health Care FSA Plan may carry over up to $550 of unused contributions to the 2021 Plan Year. Current Plan Year FSA participants may check account balances by calling Advantage Administrators (800-383-1623) or visiting

How Does the Carry Over Feature Work? During the 2020 Plan Year, Jane contributes $2,750 to her Health Care FSA. Throughout the plan year, she is reimbursed a total of $2,150 for eligible expenses. Jane chooses to carry $550 of unused contributions to the 2021 Plan Year, resulting in the forfeiture of the remaining $50. Jane elects to contribute the maximum contribution amount of $2,750 for the 2021 Plan Year, in addition to the $550 carry over amount. She now has a total of $3,300 available during the 2021 Plan Year.

Health Care FSA2020 Plan YearCarry Over Amount2021 Plan Year
Election Amount$2750 $2750
Reimbursed Amount$2150
Unused Contribution Amount$600$550$ 550
New Account Balance$0$0$3300

If you choose not to make a new Health Care FSA election during the annual open enrollment period, you may still carry over up to $550 of unused contributions to the 2021 Plan Year. Advantage Administrators will automatically carry remaining balances up to $550 to the new plan year. Estimated tax savings may be computed with Advantage Administrator’s benefit plan calculator.

Debit Cards. Health Care FSA participants must request to receive a debit (VISA) card on their enrollment form. Previously issued debit cards will be reactivated by Advantage Administrators per participant request on the enrollment form. Learn more about Drake’s FSA Plans.

— Marlene Heuertz, Human Resources

Action required for 2021 health plan participants

The open enrollment information sent Oct. 30 details important information for all benefit eligible employees of Drake University.  Participation in Drake’s Health Plan requires that participants designate a primary care provider. While the plan is not changing, the network utilized by the plan is changing from the Alliance Select Network to the Blue Choice Network effective January 1, 2021. Following is a brief overview of what this means for you and the steps you must take to ensure coverage for the 2021 plan year.


Primary Care Provider (PCP) Designation
Employees and family members must select a designated PCP in the Blue Choice network during the open enrollment period.  Primary Care Providers include general or family practice physicians, internists, pediatricians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants.  Women may also select an obstetrician or gynecologist as a co-care provider. Click here to learn more about designating a PCP.

Preventive Care Services
Preventive exams and non-specialist services must be performed by the designated PCP, or a partner provider within the same health system (e.g. Mercy, Unity Point, Iowa Clinic, Broadlawns etc.) if the PCP is not available.  Coverage will not be available for annual physical exams provided by non-network providers.

Flu, shingles and pneumonia immunizations may be administered by a PCP or a Wellmark network pharmacy.  Immunizations such as those received during well child visits must be provided by the member’s designated PCP.

Plan Enhancement
The Plan will now aggregate in-network and out-of-network annual deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums.  Although these amounts will accumulate separately, they will no longer be mutually exclusive.  For example, deductible amounts paid for in-network services can be used to satisfy the out-of-network deductible, and vice versa.  Should you meet your annual in-network deductible ($1000) and subsequently receive services out of network, the $1000 amount already paid will be applied to the $2500 out-of-network limit.  Likewise, with annual out-of-pocket costs

New ID Card
New ID cards will be issued indicating participation in the Blue Choice network.  Member ID numbers will begin with the letters XQW – instead of DRO.  The group number and prescription drug information will remain the same. Member PCP’s will be printed on the new ID card.


Access to Out-of-Network Providers
The Plan continues to provide access to out-of-network services.  If you see a provider who is not in the Blue Choice network, the service will be covered at the out-of-network cost ($50 co-pay or 30% coinsurance).  You may also be balance-billed for charges over the allowed amount.  The Plan will likewise continue to provide out-of-network coverage and emergency services at in-network levels.  If you anticipate obtaining additional services from out-of-network providers during the 2021 Plan Year, we encourage you to participate in Drake’s Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Plan.  Such expenses could be paid with pre-tax contributions, reducing your overall cost with immediate tax savings.

Cost of Care
Co-pays, annual deductibles and out-of-pocket amounts remain unchanged during the 2021 Plan Year.  Utilization of Blue Choice providers may lower your overall cost for care.

Prescription Drug Benefit
The Plan’s current prescription drug coverage will remain unchanged.  Members continue to have access to Wellmark’s Blue RX Formulary.

Flexible Spending Account Plans
The maximum contribution limit for Drake’s FSA Plans remains unchanged during the 2021 Plan Year.  The maximum contribution for the Dependent Care FSA is $5000.  The Health Care FSA will allow participants to carry over up to $550 of unused contributions to the 2021 Plan Year.  Contributions carried over, in addition to newly elected amounts, may be used to pay for eligible expenses incurred during the 2021 Plan Year.  To learn more about the money-saving features of these plans, see this FSA Fact Sheet

Telehealth Visits
Members continue to have access to telehealth services from in-network and out-of-network providers during the 2021 Plan Year.

Monthly Contribution Rates
Monthly contribution rates will not increase during the 2021 Plan Year.

To learn more about Drake’s Health Plan basics, see Wellmark’s Open Enrollment Video.

Marlene Heuertz, Human Resources

DU Well Healthy Holidays challenge

DU Well Healthy Holidays is a five-week program that runs from Nov. 30, 2020, through Jan. 3, 2021. It consists of a series of one-day challenges that you can do at home or at Drake. From taking a walk break, to phoning a friend, or checking the batteries on your smoke detector, there is something for everyone. Simply check off the challenges as you complete them on the tracking form you will be provided.  If you complete a daily challenge on 30 of the 35 days, you will be placed in a drawing for a chance to win prizes.

As an added bonus, the tracking form will include a place to record your weekly weight.  This is optional, but if you maintain (or lose) weight over the holidays, it will count as completing three (3) daily challenges.

To register for DU Well Healthy Holidays and receive your tracking form, send an email to  

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources