Category Archives: HR Information Archive

Join the ‘Walk this May’ challenge

Now that spring has sprung, it is time to go outdoors and get moving. If you need a little nudge, join our upcoming Walk this May team step challenge.

This team challenge will run through the month of May. A kick-off meeting will be held via Zoom on April 30 for all participants. Team captains will report weekly step totals and participants will receive motivational emails, including an update on team points. At the end of the month, there will be a challenge celebration via Zoom, with a prize package awarded to the participants of the winning team.

You may register as a team of four or five people or register individually and you will be placed on a team. To register, send an email to with your team members (or just yourself if registering alone) by April 28. Let’s get moving!

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Employee and Family Resources spring webinar series

Employee and Family Resources is continuing their monthly webinar series and have a full slate of presentations ready for spring. All webinars are free to attend. View a full list of upcoming classes and registration.

If you have missed past webinars, they are available for viewing on their website.

EFR offers a variety of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) resources to help you now or anytime.  Reach EAP by phone (800-327-4692) or visit their website at  All EAP benefits are confidential and available 24/7/365.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Human Resources shares Wellness Interest Survey results

Thank you to everyone who responded to the Faculty and Staff Wellness Interest Survey in January. We appreciate your time and value your feedback on how to provide employees with the programs, presentations, and activities best designed to meet your needs.

Based on the overall results of the survey, the most highly requested programs and presentations are mindfulness programs, healthy cooking/healthy eating, wellness challenges, walking and running clubs, and stress management programs.

Top-rated, stand-alone events include CPR/first aid, flu shots, CPHS health services (health coaching and bone density screening), chair massages, and fitness assessments.

The survey showed that most employees receive information on wellness programs through OnCampus and the HR Monthly, prefer participating over lunch or after work during the work week, and prefer programs that run 30-45 minutes. The primary barrier to participation is lack of time and inconvenient time or location.

The comments included in the survey were also helpful. Several employees requested group sports (pickle ball and volleyball), a self-defense class, and continued online webinars and fitness classes for those working remotely.

These results will provide us with areas to focus on in the coming academic year. Next steps include:

  • Create a Wellness Advisory Council of faculty and staff to address the needs across campus
  • Work with groups such as Head Start to address their remote worker needs
  • Bring back services such as chair massages and CPR/first aid classes when it is safe to do so
  • Use the results to help drive future wellbeing topics

Thank you again for participating in this survey. If you have any feedback on these next steps or other suggestions, please feel free to contact Linda Feiden at

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Six ideas for peer recognition

As we “march” through staff appreciation month, take a few moments to show appreciation to your peers. In addition to “shout-outs” and nominating staff for a Called to be True Blue award, here are a few additional ways to say thanks.

Voice a verbal thank-you. In the workplace, things move fast and sometimes “thank-you” gets left behind. Make it a point to show your appreciation by simply saying thanks.

Microsoft Teams Badges. Send praise to a peer using Microsoft Teams badges. There are a number of badges to choose from, including “thank-you,” “achiever,” “awesome,” and “team player.” To start sending praise, go into Teams Chat. Create a new message.  Select *** below the compose box, then select Praise. If you don’t see Praise as an option, click additional apps to find it. Select your badge, compose your message and send. That’s it!

Hand-written note. A personal note written with sincerity and specifics can sometimes mean the most to a colleague. If the person is working remotely, consider sending an electronic thank-you card or email.

Give kudos in a team meeting. An individual, face-to-face thank you is personal and effective. For some individuals, there is also room for more public appreciation—and a team meeting is the perfect place to recognize someone who has helped you out recently. It doesn’t have to be big and flashy, but be sure to be specific in how they helped.

Share a treat. Being COVID safe, share a pre-packaged treat with a co-worker with a small note of thanks.

Offer to help. Giving thanks is always a good idea. But for some, offering to help is even better. Show your appreciation to a colleague by offering your assistance. Think of those you would like to thank and then try to think of a way you can give them a hand.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Meeting-free day reminder

To enhance the mental and emotional well-being of faculty and staff, one day each month has been designated as a meeting-free day. The goal of no-meeting days is to give all employees a large block of uninterrupted time to focus on projects. These days are a good opportunity to recharge and rebalance.

Upcoming meeting-free days:
Tuesday, March 16
Wednesday, April 14
Tuesday, May 25
Wednesday, June 23

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Juneteenth observed as University holiday; 2021–2022 holiday schedule posted

The Fiscal Year 2020–2021 University Holiday Schedule has been updated to include this year’s Juneteenth Holiday, which will be observed on Friday, June 18.  Juneteenth is an annual holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States.  Additional information on Juneteenth can be found at

The Fiscal Year 2021–2022 University Holiday Schedule has also been posted in myDrake.  Both Holiday Schedules can be found under Human Resources in the Commonly Used Apps. Click on Benefits, select Additional Benefits, and Holiday Schedule.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Check out the spring BUILD classes

Check out this spring’s BUILD (­Bulldogs United in Learning Drake) classes. From Microsoft Teams and Excel classes to self-care, resilience, and financial health, we have you covered. All classes are being held virtually. The full list for the spring semester is available through the BUILD app in myDrake.

To register for any class, please contact Linda Feiden at

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Submit your photo for the ‘Smile Slideshow’

Human Resources and the All Staff Council would like to invite you to share a picture of yourself smiling for our Drake University Smile Slideshow. It could be a picture of you alone, or with your family, friends, co-workers, or pets. The only requirement is that the picture must include you and you must be smiling in the photo. The smiling photos will be compiled into a slideshow and posted on myDrake for faculty and staff, when you need a break to see some smiles.

If you would like to help us out, please email a copy of your smiling digital image to  The deadline has been extended to Friday, March 5, to give everyone time to participate.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Nutrition counseling available

Samantha “Sam” Matt, MS, RDN, LDN, is Drake’s on campus dietitian and a wonderful resource for faculty, staff, and students.  Sam offers free one-on-one nutrition counseling and covers nutrition topics including healthy eating, cooking/shopping tips, disease management, weight management, sports nutrition, food allergy management, and general health and wellness. 

 For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please contact Sam at

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Free online tobacco cessation program

The American Lung Association (ALA) is offering a FREE one-year membership to Freedom from Smoking Plus while supplies last.  This interactive online program works on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones and includes telephone, chat, and email support.

Freedom from Smoking Plus (FFS Plus) assesses your readiness to quit and guides you through a three-part process from getting ready to quit, to quit day, and finally, staying smoke free.  It includes online tips and tools to keep you on track as well as access to ALA tobacco cessation counselors.  You may also visit the Freedom from Smoking online support group and discussion community to interact with others who are also working to break their tobacco addiction.

To join this program, log into and set up a profile to begin the self-paced, nine-module course.  FFS Plus includes 12 months of continuous support.

FFS Plus normally costs $99.95 but the ALA is offering it at no cost for a limited time.  If you are a tobacco user who is contemplating quitting, now is the time to join.

Should you have any questions, please contact the American Lung Association’s National Tobacco Team at

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources