Category Archives: HR Information Archive

Drake’s annual open enrollment period is coming to a close

The deadline to enroll in Drake benefits for the 2022 Plan Year is fast approaching.  If you wish to change your current health, dental, or voluntary life insurance coverage, you must elect or terminate participation in the Benefits Portal in myDrake.  Additionally, if you wish to participate in Drake’s health or dependent care flexible spending account (FSA) plans during 2022, you must enroll or re-enroll in the Benefits Portal.  To learn more about Drake’s comprehensive benefits, visit the new Benefits Guide here.

Instructions and information about how to access the Benefits Portal are available here.  If you have not yet made benefit elections for 2022, please don’t wait until the last minute.  All benefit elections for the 2022 Plan Year must be made no later than 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 30, 2021.

Marlene Heuertz, Human Resources

What’s for dinner?

Did you know that the average person will consume 3,000 calories on Thanksgiving dinner and gain one to four pounds between now and the end of year? That may not sound like a lot, but most individuals don’t lose the weight, which can add up over the years.

The good news is that you can still enjoy a great meal, and a day with family and friends. Here are a few tips that may make the day even better.

Eat breakfast. You may think it’s better to save calories for the big dinner but eating a small meal in the morning can help you control your appetite. Include some protein and fiber such as an egg with a slice of whole wheat toast or a bowl of oatmeal with nuts and fruit.

Be active. Take a walk early in the day, just before dinner, or after dinner. Go outside and play touch football with family, instead of watching it on TV. Start a new family tradition that includes activity like a scavenger hunt. The goal is to stay active.

Choose water. Limit your intake of alcohol and sweetened beverages. Try some fruit infused water instead. If having a cocktail, choose a glass of wine over a higher calorie mixed drink.

Lighten up. If you are the cook, make your recipes healthier with less fat, sugar, and calories. Try some new recipes or healthy substitutes. If you are the guest, bring a healthy dish to share, and make healthier choices. For example, opt for grilled veggies over a green bean or sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie over pecan pie, and go easy on the gravy.

Watch your portions. If you can’t resist some of the fattening delicacies, survey the choices and select small portions of the foods you enjoy the most and may only get at the holidays. Another tip – use a smaller plate and avoid having seconds.

Slow down. Savor the food you are eating by putting down your fork between bites. Eating slowly and tasting each mouthful is a great way to enjoy your meal and feel satisfied with one plateful of food.

Focus on family and friends. Thanksgiving is not just about food. It’s a time to celebrate relationships with family and friends. Focus more on spending quality time together and the day will be a success, even without that extra helping of pie!

Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Register today for DU Well Healthy Holiday BINGO

Don’t forget to register for DU Well Healthy Holiday BINGO. This five-week program runs from Monday, Nov. 29, 2021 through Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022. The goal is to fill up a blank BINGO card (or two), between Thanksgiving and the New Year, with healthy activities completed from a provided list. This is a great way for you and your family to have fun while making healthy choices.

In January, participants will be invited to meet virtually to play BINGO for prizes with their completed cards. You are welcome to fill out the BINGO card without playing the BINGO games as well.

To register, please send an email to

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Drake employees with student loans: Check out the Limited PLSF Waiver

In the September HR Monthly email, we reminded employees that as a not-for-profit Drake University is a qualifying employer for public service loan forgiveness (PSLF). Employees who have Federal Direct Loans and have made at minimum 120 payments on the Federal Direct Loans (after Oct. 1, 2007) may be eligible for the remaining loan balance to be forgiven. Only payments made under certain repayment plans may be counted toward the required 120 payments, and loans must not be in default to be forgiven.

Last month, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) expanded the types of loans and loan payments that count toward that 120 payment total. The DOE is calling the temporary expansion the “Limited PSLF Waiver” program. The waiver program will temporarily relax several rules governing the PSLF program.

Previously, only Direct federal student loans, and certain types of repayment plans based on a borrower’s income, would count towards a borrower’s student loan forgiveness term under PSLF. However, for most of 2022, the DOE will count past payments on non-Direct federal student loans, such as FFEL loans and Perkins loans (previously not eligible for PSLF relief), towards the 120 “qualifying” payments that a borrower must make to get student loan forgiveness.

The Limited PSLF Waiver will also allow payments made under any repayment plan to count as well; previously, only payments made under income-driven repayment plans and a 10-year Standard plan could qualify.

Visit a page explaining the PSLF form. Access the most current version of the form (expiring 08/31/2023).

Maureen in Human Resources can complete page two and sign it on behalf of Drake. If you want to complete the form you have three easy options to get HR’s assistance:

  • Come by HR any time and drop off the form. We can let you know when it is ready for pick up.
  • Set up a time to meet with Maureen and have page two completed while you wait.
  • Email requesting assistance. We can email you a pdf of page 2 completed with your information—minus your social security number (we don’t email those).

If you have outstanding student loans and think there is even a possibility that you could qualify for the loan forgiveness program, we encourage you to look into this opportunity for loan forgiveness. For more information, visit the Public Service Loan Forgiveness information on the Federal Student Aid website.

— Maureen De Armond, Human Resources

DU Well Healthy Holiday BINGO

DU Well Healthy Holiday BINGO is a five-week program that runs from Monday, Nov. 29, 2021 through Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022. The goal is to fill up a blank BINGO card (or two), between Thanksgiving and the New Year, with healthy activities completed from a provided list. This is a great way for you and your family to have fun while improving your wellbeing.

In January, participants will be invited to meet virtually to play BINGO for prizes with their completed cards. Everyone is welcome to fill out the BINGO card without playing the BINGO games, but who doesn’t like to play BINGO!

To register for DU Well Healthy Holiday BINGO, send an email to All participants will receive a packet that includes a list of DU Well Healthy Holiday activities and a blank BINGO card. Deadline to register is Tuesday, Nov. 23.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Flexible spending account limit Increased for 2022

Good news for anyone enrolling in Drake’s Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA). The Internal Revenue Service has announced the Health Care FSA limit will increase from $2750 to $2850 for the 2022 calendar (plan) year.  If you have already made a Health Care FSA election for the 2022 plan year, you may change it in the Benefits Portal in myDrake.  Additionally, 2022 Health Care FSA participants will be able to carry over up to $570 of unreimbursed 2022 contributions into calendar year 2023. 

Remember that open enrollment ends Nov. 30, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. sharp! If you have not yet made benefit elections for 2022, please don’t wait until the last minute. If you have questions or problems navigating the Benefits Portal, you may reach out to us at or contact Marlene directly at

Marlene Heuertz, Human Resources

Health plan enrollees must designate primary care provider

If you plan to enroll in Drake’s health plan for the 2022 calendar year, you (and your covered dependents) must designate a primary care provider (PCP) if you have not already done so. Primary Care Providers include general or family practice physicians, internists, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

To learn more about how to designate a PCP, click here. If you do not designate a PCP for yourself and your dependents in the Benefits Portal, Wellmark will be unable to issue your new insurance card(s) for the 2022 Plan Year.

Marlene Heuertz, Human Resources

Annual open enrollment for benefits in full swing

By now, we hope that everyone is aware that November is open enrollment for benefit selections that take effect January 1, 2022. We are so pleased that, for the second year in a row, there will be no increases in health and dental premiums. We are also very happy to share the new benefits guide, which is a great resource for new and existing employees. If you haven’t spent some time with it yet, please check it out.

On Nov. 4, we held the annual benefits fair. As you may recall, we were unable to host the fair last year due to COVID-19. It did feel like a small victory to hold the event again this year. We had benefits and wellness partners available—including a representative from Broadlawns Medical Center. Nearly 60 faculty and staff stopped by to talk to our guests, ask questions, and collect a few freebies and snacks. We would like to expand the fair next year to truly be a benefits and wellness event employees look forward to attending.

Please share your ideas with Please note that we had tried to schedule the event on a Friday but were unable to get vendors and available space to line up. We’ll start planning earlier for next year with a Friday event in mind. If you have any other ideas or suggestions that would help us grow the event along these lines, we would love to hear them.

Yesterday, Marlene and Maureen facilitated a virtual benefits overview to talk about changes taking effect January 1. If you missed that presentation but would like to watch the recording, just email us at and request the link to the benefits overview. By the time you’re reading this article, we’ll have the link handy.

Enrollment Reminders: Enroll by accessing the Benefits Portal in mydrake. During the open enrollment period, you may make changes to your current health, dental, and voluntary life insurance. In addition, if you wish to participate in the health or dependent care flexible spending account (FSA) plans during 2022, you must enroll—or re-enroll if you are currently participating in Drake’s FSA plans. Remember that open enrollment ends on November 30, 2021 at 11:59 PM sharp.

If you have not enrolled in benefits for 2022 yet, please don’t wait until the last minute. If you have any questions or problems navigating the benefits portal, just reach out to us at or contact Marlene directly at

— Marlene Heuertz and Maureen De Armond, Human Resources

DU Well Healthy Holiday BINGO

DU Well Healthy Holiday BINGO is a five-week program that runs from Monday, Nov. 29, 2021, through Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022. The goal is to fill up a blank BINGO card (or two), between Thanksgiving and the New Year, with healthy activities completed from a provided list. This is a great way for you and your family to have fun while improving your wellbeing.

In January, participants will be invited to meet virtually to play BINGO for prizes with their completed cards. Everyone is welcome to fill out the BINGO card without playing the BINGO games, but who doesn’t like to play BINGO!

To register for DU Well Healthy Holiday BINGO, send an email to All participants will receive a packet that includes a list of DU Well Healthy Holiday activities and a blank BINGO card. Deadline to register is Tuesday, Nov. 23.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Physician exam completion forms due Dec. 2

This is a reminder that employees on Drake’s health plan need to complete a physical with their designated Primary Care Provider (PCP) between Dec. 1, 2020, and Nov. 30, 2021, and submit a Physician Exam Completion Form  to Human Resources by Dec. 2, 2021, to continue receiving the wellness health insurance premium discount in 2022.

If this form is not submitted by Dec. 2, you will not be eligible to receive the discount in 2022 and will pay the regular health care premium rates for the 2022 benefit year (starting Jan. 1, 2022). Should you have questions, please send an email to

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources