Category Archives: For Students Archive

Important: Changes to grading at Drake

In March 2013, Faculty Senate passed a motion to change the grading policy “That Drake University extends to all instructors the ability to assign plus/minus grade modifiers in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs beginning with the Fall 2016 semester.” In order to prepare for the approaching implementation of the plus/minus grading policy, common questions about the new policy will be featured each week for the next several weeks. You can also access a full set of resources on the Student Records website.

Q:  How will this affect my grade point average?
A:   Grades will be assigned a corresponding quality point value according to the table below.

Grade Quality Points
A+ 4.00
A 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D 1.00
D- 1.00
F 0.00

Q:  I am a current student. Will the grades that I have earned up to this point be affected by this policy?
A:   No. The policy applies only to courses offered in Fall 2016 and later. For example, if you earned a “B” in a Spring 2015 course, it will not change to a “B-“ or a “B+”.

Q:  If I earned an ‘incomplete’ for a course taken before Fall 2016, but I complete my coursework during the Fall 2016 semester, can I earn a + or – grade for that course?
A:   No, because the course was originally offered/taken in a semester prior to the Fall 2016 semester.

Stay tuned next week for more Q&A.

—Submitted by Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Student Success

7th Annual HOPE waLKS presented by Lambda Kappa Sigma

Lambda Kappa Sigma professional pharmacy fraternity is hosting our annual 5K run/walk to support Project Hope. Project Hope’s mission is to provide health opportunities for people everywhere by delivering health education, supplies, medications, and volunteers where needed.

The 5K run/walk will be held at Raccoon River Park, 2500 Grand Ave., West Des Moines, on April 23 at 8:30 a.m. with registration starting at 8 a.m.

The registration fee is $25 until April 1 ($30 for any registration after this date). If you register by April 1, you are guaranteed a race day T-shirt!

The biggest team of 10 or more participants will receive $100 toward the charity of its choice.

To register or donate, visit 

Please email or if you have any questions.

We encourage you to register to support our cause and hope to see you there!

—Submitted by Katelin Hardisty

Lunch and learn with community leaders

The Donald V. Adams Leadership Institute will host a series of lunch and learns with community leaders to discuss different topics of leadership and their real-world application. The first “Lunch with Leaders” event will be held Friday, March 25, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. in Pomerantz Conference Room. Organization Development and Leadership Consultant Gary Walljasper will speak on the topic of “Coaching: How to ask the right question.” Register online or contact or with questions.

—Meghan Blancas, Director, Student Leader Programs

Save the date for Dogtown After Hours

Dogtown After Hours is the largest student-run event held on campus. On the night of Friday, April 1, the Olmsted Center will be filled with food, entertainment, and fun! This event is FREE for all Drake students, and you don’t want to miss it!

What is going to be at Dogtown After Hours? Go like our Facebook page ‘Dogtown After Hours‘ and follow us on Twitter (@Drake_DTAH) for more updates on the event! We will be releasing this year’s theme via our Facebook and Twitter pages this week, as well as the events that are going to take place. See you all on April 1!

—Emma Haselhuhn

Study abroad in Chile

Students, come learn about study abroad opportunities at Universidad de los Andes in Santiago, Chile. Join us at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8, at Drake’s International Center (The Point).
A representative from the University’s International Programs office will be available to tell you about some exciting opportunities in Santiago.

If this date is not convenient but you wish to learn more about Universidad de los Andes, contact Gretchen Beckley at

—Drake International

Pappajohn Student Entrepreneurial Venture Competition is open

The Pappajohn Student Entrepreneurial Venture Competition is open. This annual competition could be your opportunity to get up to $5,000 for your business idea. To learn more, come to an information session on March 8 at 6 p.m. or March 23 at 7 p.m. Both sessions will be held in Aliber Hall on the 3rd floor. More info available online at To learn more about Iowa entrepreneur and philanthropist John Pappajohn, visit

—Submitted by Stephanie Cardwell, Administrative Assistant 2

Apply to be a Violence Intervention Partner

The Violence Intervention Partner peer advocacy team is now accepting applicants for the 2016–2017 school year. You can find job duties and the application online. Applications are due by Friday, March 25, with interviews starting the week after with the advisory team.

—Alysa Mozak, Coordinator for Sexual Violence Response and Healthy Relationship Promotion

Global Learning Scholarships now available

Global Learning Scholarships are available for students who are studying abroad, participating in global service-learning, or participating in experiential learning abroad. These scholarships are designed to enable students to reach their full potential as responsible global citizens. Scholarships are open to students studying abroad Summer 2016, Fall 2016, or J-Term 2017. These are need-based scholarships. The application deadline is Tuesday, March 22. For more information, or to apply, visit this link. If you have any questions please contact Maria Rohach, global learning program coordinator, at

— Submitted by Maria Rohach

Drake CASA Informational Meeting

Learn more about how you can help abused and neglected children. Come to the Olmsted mezzanine at 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 29, to learn more about the many ways you can get involved with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and give back to children who need it in the Des Moines community!

—Submitted by Natalie Deerr