Category Archives: For Students Archive

Graduate & Law Student Appreciation Days—Basketball

Drake graduate and law students can get a complimentary ticket to predetermined home events this year. Branded as “Free 50” games, 50 tickets are available to each school. Students are encouraged to secure their tickets early.

Please visit to secure tickets with the redemption codes below. Additional pricing information for law and graduate students is also available.

Redemption Codes:
SOE Graduate School: EDSTUDENT
SJMC Graduate School: JMCSTUDENT

Questions? Call 515-271-3647 or email

—Tom Florian, Assistant Director, Ticket Operations and Donor Management

Drake basketball student tickets—Flash Seats

As a reminder, Drake undergraduate students are admitted FREE to all home Drake basketball games. Below is the necessary information for attending basketball games at The Knapp Center.

Drake Men’s Basketball
1.)    Enter The Knapp Center Southwest Student Entrance.
2.)    Present your valid Drake Card to the Drake Athletics staff person. Your ticket will be printed at the gate.
3.)    Student seating is available in Sections J-K and S-T.

Drake Women’s Basketball
1.)    Enter The Knapp Center Southwest Student Entrance.
2.)    Present your valid Drake Card to the Drake Athletics staff person. Your ticket will be printed at the gate.
3.)    Student seating is available in Sections J-K.

Please note, you will receive your tickets directly to your valid Drake Card via Flash Seats. You will receive a confirmation email from Flash Seats notifying you that your tickets have been loaded to your Drake Card. All you need to do is head to the game and cheer on your Bulldogs! Your personal information remains confidential as Drake Athletics has partnered with Flash Seats to provide you the most convenient method to attend athletic events. If you do not receive an email from Flash Seats, please contact the Drake Athletics Ticket Office at 515-271-3647 or

Questions? Please contact the Drake Athletics Ticket Office at 515-271-3647 or

—Tom Florian, Drake Athletics

How do I vote?

Not sure how to vote in the coming election? Visit our library guide for information on student voting at It includes how to check if you’re registered, where you can vote, and how to vote as a student in Iowa even if you’re from out of state. Not sure who you align with most? There’s a comparison chart on where candidates are on various issues as well.

—Claudia Frazer, Cowles Library

Help affect change at Cowles Library

Have changes you want to see in the library? Cowles Library is engaging in a process to update and refresh the master plan for the physical use and layout of the Library, and we want to hear from you on Nov. 3, 8–9 p.m., in Room 201 of the library. Let us know what you think of the library and get a $5 coffee card for your participation. More details (and an optional sign-up link) are available here:

—Claudia Frazer, Cowles Library

Students: Go Phish!

Between Nov. 1 and Dec. 1, ITS is holding a Phishing Derby, a contest where you can take a quiz to learn more about how to identify phishing emails and fraudulent websites. Taking the quiz enters you for a chance to win a Bluetooth speaker or headphones. Visit to enter starting tomorrow.

The goal of this contest is to empower campus to be able to keep both their personal data and our institutional data secure.

Learn more about IT Security at our ITS Security blog at

—Carla Herling, ITS

Learn more about the Slay Fund for Social Justice

The Slay Fund for Social Justice at Drake provides funding for students, staff, and faculty engaging in social justice work. Through the generosity of the Slay family and other contributors, our campus has hosted high-profile activists and speakers; faculty and staff have developed pedagogies for social justice learning; and students have engaged in research, as well as direct social justice activism. Please join Professor of Law, Politics, and Society Renee Cramer, who directs the fund, on Nov. 10 from noon to 1 p.m. in Medbury Hall, Room 202, for a conversation about funding possibilities for your idea.

—Renee Cramer, Law, Politics & Society

Students needed for University photo shoot

University Communications is hosting a one-day photography shoot with services from professional photographer Jill Lehmann. The communications department is requesting Bulldogs to pull together to make these images represent Drake in the best way possible.

Please sign up for a time and location that will work for you on Tuesday, Nov. 1. We have added two new time slots, 10–11 a.m. and 11 a.m.–noon, and are looking in particular for more men to sign up (not a guy? You should still join us!):

Wear weather-appropriate and simple clothing. Please avoid any political statements with your clothing, wearing other college or schools brands, or anything inappropriate. There will be snacks and refreshments as a thank-you for joining us.

We greatly appreciate your help and we look forward to seeing you there.

Questions? Contact Genna Clemen at

—Emma Daily, University Communications

Drake Phonathon On-campus job opportunity

The Drake Phonathon provides a great opportunity for current students to connect with alumni while making a difference on campus. We provide flexible scheduling, as well as a career connection network to help students find the first job out of college.

As an employee, you would be expected to ask the prospects for a specific amount of money, update information, and foster good feelings with the prospect. Most of our work will be centered around fundraising for the school’s annual fund, which pays for all of the things students use on a daily basis, including computers & technology, library books, scholarships, and faculty enrichment.

It is a time commitment of three shifts a week. Shift times are Monday–Thursday, 5:30–9 p.m., and Sundays, either 1:30–5 p.m. or 5:30–9 p.m. Students are paid $7.25/hour the first month and then bumped up to $8.25/hour. Calling will take place in the Kinne Alumni and Development Center, which is located on the corner of University and 24th Street next to US Bank. Interested? Email Brian Estrem at

—Brian Estrem, Phonathon

Meal conversion open this week

For those students with meal plans that allow for meal conversions, there is still time to convert your meals this week, Oct. 24–28. Only students on the 335- and 195-block plans can convert up to 100 meals each semester to flex dollars.

To convert meals, you can stop at the Student Services Center and fill out a form to indicate how many meals you would like to convert. You can also visit to find the form at the bottom of the page titled “Meal Plan Conversions.”

—Jerry Parker, Interim Dean of Students