Category Archives: For Staff Archive

Final call for cupcakes & kickball—bonus jeans day

This is the final call for registrations to the All Staff Council Kickball Tournament (May 17, 2–4 pm).  Registration is open for 4–6 teams of up to 10 staff and/or faculty members. Games will be 25 minutes, with the winner determined when time is up.

Need a team? Register as an individual and All Staff Council will assign you to a team or create a team of “free agents.” Register to play by May 12 at

We’ll also be celebrating with a special jeans day as well as free mini-cupcakes from Crème Cupcake for everyone (first come/first serve), so join us in Helmick Commons.

—All Staff Council

Final faculty/staff social of the year

The next Drake Social is all about appreciation, and you won’t want to miss it! Plan to attend Thursday, May 11, at 4:30 p.m., in the Shivers Hospitality Suite.

There will be a celebration of service anniversaries and retirements from the past year, sponsored by the Human Resources office. Professional and Career Development Services will honor all faculty and staff for the role they play in our graduates’ extremely high accomplishment rate. Finally, you will have the opportunity to share any appreciation you have for the work of various campus departments.

In addition to the usual refreshments provided by the Provost’s Office, treats will be provided by HR and Professional and Career Development.

—Drinda Williams, Office of the Provost

Service recognition celebration

Join us on Thursday, May 11, as we honor Drake employees who reached 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35 years of service from Sept. 4, 2016 through June 30, 2017, and those who are retiring or have recently retired.

This year’s event will be part of the May 11 Drake faculty/staff social from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Shivers Hospitality Suite, adjacent to The Knapp Center.

Take a moment to congratulate your co-workers!

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Come celebrate Drake staff!

You are invited for food, entertainment, and celebration as we honor Drake staff at the annual All-Staff Council Sapphire Awards. All “Called to be True Blue” Award recipients from the academic year (listed below) are in the running to receive Sapphire Awards for the top individual and group. Madelyn M. Levitt awards for employee excellence and distinguished service will also be presented by HR.
Please join us for a little break from the year-end busy-ness as we celebrate the many ways Drake staff members make Drake a better place.

What: The 2017 Sapphire Awards
Where: Levitt Hall, Old Main
When: Thursday, May 4
Time: 2–3 p.m.

Sapphire Nominees:

Anthony Squire, Technology Support Specialist, ITS
Ellen Lowe, Assistant Director, Rec Services, Wellness
Joyce Sharp, Administrative Assistant for Budget and Finance, CPHS (retired)
Emma Daily, Senior Strategist, Visual Design, University Communications
Terri Howard, Administrative Assistant, Dean’s Office, Law School
Kevin Saunders, Director of Institutional Research and Academic Assessment
Katie Overberg, Title IX Coordinator, Finance and Administration
Amanda Martin, Programs Coordinator, Community Engaged Learning

Athletic Communications & Marketing Promotion Teams
Jessie Neal and Heather Storms, Law Library

—Submitted by All-Staff Council

Join us for a margarita, vanilla, or pina colada mini-cupcake!

Now that we have your attention, we’d like to remind you to register for the upcoming All Staff Council kickball tournament!  We’ll be giving away (first come/first serve) mini-cupcakes from Crème Cupcakes (flavors include margarita, Bailey’s, pina colada, and vanilla).

Cupcakes not of interest? How about a kickball trophy for your department to brag about all year long? Yes, we have upgraded to include our own Drake ASC Kickball traveling trophy! Don’t forget to register your team or as a free agent by May 12 at and join us at Helmick Commons on May 17, 2–4 p.m.!

—All Staff Council

True Blue: Katie Overberg

Katie Overberg, Drake’s Title IX coordinator, was honored last week with a Called to Be True Blue Award from All Staff Council. Said her nominator, colleague Brett Niederhauser, assistant director of public safety, “Ever since Katie has started at Drake, I’ve asked myself countless times, ‘How did we ever survive before her?’”

Niederhauser highlighted Overberg’s professionalism in working with students, staff, faculty, and the community; successful coordination of numerous policy changes; and her skills in creating clear communications to help people understand Title IX and navigate through reporting procedures.

“Although Katie is technically a 10-month position, she’s always on campus doing training for Title IX issues,” he wrote. “The multitude of responsibilities in her position are generally handled by an entire department, but Katie is not only managing that well, but succeeding in real positive change that is impactful for the whole Drake community.”

Join Overberg and the other True Blue nominees from this academic year who are in the running for Sapphire Awards at our year-end event, May 4 at 2 p.m. in Levitt Hall.

—All Staff Council Recognition Committee

Last week in True Blue Awards

There have been a flurry of True Blue award presentations over the past week: staff members Ellen Lowe and Amanda Martin and teams Jessie Neal and Heather Storms (Law Library) and the athletics communication, marketing and promotion teams. Kudos to these individuals and teams, who will be considered for overall awards at the Sapphire Awards Show, held May 4, 2–3 p.m., in Levitt Hall.

True Blue: Individuals

Ellen Lowe
Ellen Lowe, assistant director, Rec Services, received a True Blue Award for her positive attitude, passion for her job, and work in implementing new tools and strategies for wellness engagement. Her nominator, Sara Heijerman, student services center manager, began working under Lowe when she started teaching fitness classes this fall:

“She helped me transition into the “wellness world” seamlessly this fall, and seriously oozes positive energy. She is a great addition to the Wellness staff and Drake University.”

Amanda Martin
Also in April, Programs Coordinator for Community Engaged Learning Amanda Martin was recognized with a True Blue Award, nominated by Director, Community Engaged Learning Renee Sedlacek. In her nomination, Sedlacek lauded Martin for her tireless work in coordinating logistics for service-learning programs, managing the team of six student service-learning ambassadors, and advising the Community Action Board:

“Amanda treats our student workers as paraprofessionals and empowers them to take on significant leadership responsibilities. She is often asked to jump in on projects at the last minute, and always does so with a positive, can-do attitude.”

True Blue: Teams

Athletics Communications and Marketing Promotions team
The athletics communications, marketing, and promotions team was awarded a group True Blue Award for their dedication, enthusiasm, and work on projects such as personalized player emoji magnets and successful promotion of the attendance record-breaking UNI game, as well as for creating an upbeat, exciting atmosphere at games. Wrote nominator Niki Smith, assistant director, public relations, on behalf of the University Communications public relations team:

“The spirit of the team has brought an aura of positivity to the Knapp Center. Whether the Bulldogs win or lose, the staff remains positive and full of Drake spirit. (They) are demonstrating by example of what living the Bulldog Way means.”

Jessie Neal and Heather Storms (Law Library)
Law Library staff members Jessie Neal, public services associate, and Heather Storms, access services associate, were recognized in April with a True Blue Award from All Staff Council. Their nominator, Circulation/Reference Librarian and Professor of Law Librarianship Karen Wallace, highlighted an instance this year in which both took the initiative to tackle a problem to benefit both students and the University’s bottom line:

“They took personal responsibility for ensuring the complete review and repair of the collection of CD study aids, comprising approximately 400 disks. Law students use this collection heavily, and will benefit from the completion of this project before finals.”

—All Staff Council Recognition Committee

All Staff Council Sapphire Awards

Celebrating YOU.

You are invited to relax and celebrate the end of the academic year and your colleagues at the annual All Staff Council Sapphire Awards. All Called to be True Blue Award recipients from the 2016–2017 academic year are in the running to receive Sapphire Awards for the top individual and group, and staff members will receive the Madelyn M. Levitt Employee Excellence Award, presented by Human Resources.

Please join us for refreshments, entertainment, and connection as we come together to honor your hard work and commitment while giving special recognition to colleagues.

The 2017 Sapphire Awards
Levitt Hall, Old Main
Thursday, May 4
2–3 p.m.

See you there!

—Submitted by All Staff Council