Category Archives: For Staff Archive

Accepting nominations for Global Scholars/Practitioners-in-Residence

Faculty and staff are invited to nominate candidates for this year’s Global Scholars/Practitioners-in-Residence program. Nominations are due to by Nov. 27. The Global Scholars/Practitioners program seeks talented individuals from academia or the professions who have outstanding international expertise to teach part-time while also serving as mentors to our students and resources to our faculty and the community. Global Scholars/Practitioners will engage with the campus and community through teaching, public lectures, and joint research projects while drawing upon their professional networks to help our faculty, students, and the institution as a whole develop new and fruitful external collaborations. For more information and nomination instructions, please visit the Global Scholars/Practitioners-in-Residence web page.

Denise Ganpat, Drake International

Upcoming University Book Store sales

The University Book Store will hold a two-day sale Nov. 14 and 15, and a faculty and staff appreciation sale Nov. 20 and 21.

Two-day sale

Outerwear, sweatshirts, polo shirts, long sleeve tees, and more will be 25 percent off Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 14 and 15, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. If you can’t make it in to the store, you can place an order online at

Faculty and staff appreciation sale

The University Book Store is extending a 30 percent discount to faculty and staff on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 20 and 21, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Join us for refreshments and get your holiday shopping done early. We will give away three $25 Follett gift cards.

Don’t forget, you can wear jeans with your Drake apparel every Friday!

Nate Reagen, President’s Office

FYS lunch discussion Nov. 3

The next Friday FYS lunch/discussion is Nov. 3 at 12 p.m. in Olmsted Center, TMR 133. The event is open to both current and prospective FYS instructors. If you have an interest in possibly teaching FYS in the future, or are curious to learn more about teaching FYS sections, you are welcome to attend. While it is too late to order a lunch, you are welcome to come and bring your own.

Art Sanders, Associate Provost

J-Term informational sessions

J-Term instructors will share their experiences and advice to those who are teaching J-Term for the first time in 2018 and those who are thinking about teaching J-Term in 2019 or beyond at two upcoming informational sessions.

The first session on travel seminars will be held Nov. 6 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Drake Room in Olmsted Center. The second session will focus on on-campus classes and take place Nov. 8 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Olmsted Center, TMR 132.

The two sessions have very different foci. Those individuals who are thinking about teaching J-Term in the future but not sure whether they want to do a travel seminar or an on-campus class are encouraged to attend both sessions. For questions, contact Art Sanders at

Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Bulldog Applause: Human Resources spotlight

Human Resources staff, from left-to-right, are Diana Lei-Butters, Debra Wiley, Linda Feiden, Gary Johnson, Laura Schwarz, Marlene Heuertz, and Mary Alice Hill.

Last week, Drake’s All Staff Council Recognition Committee celebrated Drake’s Human Resources team with a surprise cookie delivery (compliments of Drake Dining). Read on to learn more about HR and how they make Drake a better place.

What is the mission of HR?
Human Resources is committed to contributing strategically to the mission of Drake University. We seek to embody the best practices of the Human Resources profession by providing excellent, caring, and consistent services that support the ability of the University to recruit and retain a highly qualified and diverse workforce.

Where is the HR office located?
The HR team recently moved to 3206 University Ave., Suite 100 (the old School of Education building).

What is the department’s primary function?
A recent restructure in the HR department has created two functional teams: HR Operations and HR Partners. The Operations Team is responsible for compensation, benefits, onboarding processes, and all HR technology systems. The HR Partners team is dedicated to issues of recruitment, employee engagement, professional development, performance management, employee relations, wellness/work-life programs, and employee recognition.

How many staff members does HR have?
There are seven HR employees:

  • Gary Johnson, director, HR operations
  • Mary Alice Hill, director, HR partner services
  • Marlene Heuertz, benefits specialist
  • Debra Wiley, HR partner
  • Linda Feiden, wellness and recognition specialist
  • Laura Schwarz, HR support specialist
  • Diana Lei-Butters, HR systems specialist

Who is the longest serving team member?
Gary Johnson will be celebrating 25 years at Drake next year.

Who is the newest team member?
Mary Alice Hill joined the HR team this past August.

What has the HR team been working on lately that we should all know about?
HR has made a number of changes over the past 18 months and continues to look for ways to improve services and processes. Past initiatives include an enhanced new employee orientation, a New to Drake webpage, BUILD (Bulldogs United In Learning Drake) learning and development program, an online peer-to-peer recognition program called Peerceive, automating the service anniversary and retiree gift program, enhanced wellness programming, and the HR Monthly Minute, which is an informational email sent to employees the first Wednesday of each month. Currently, HR is looking at ways to automate and streamline major processes, such as benefits administration and the administration of student employment.

Terri Howard, Law School/All Staff Council

Upcoming discussion on inclusive learning environments

The next in a series of meetings focused on creating inclusive learning environments will be Monday, Nov. 13, at 3:30 p.m. in the Olmsted Center, Drake Room. These meetings are an opportunity for anyone on campus to come and talk about the challenges, successes, and failures we have faced as we try to navigate the difficult issue of creating inclusive learning environments. For questions, contact Art Sanders at

Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Drake Basketball Faculty/Staff Days

Drake faculty and staff are eligible to receive up to four complimentary tickets to the basketball games listed below. Tickets may be picked up at the Drake Athletics Ticket Office Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or at the ticket window on game day. A Drake ID must be shown at the time of pick up.

Women’s Basketball
Drake vs. Milwaukee
Nov. 10 at 7 p.m.
The Knapp Center

Men’s Basketball
Drake vs. Coe
Nov. 11 at 2 p.m.
The Knapp Center

More information is available at For questions, call 515-271-3647 or email

Tom Florian, Drake Athletics

United Way social and kickoff event Nov. 6

Drake will kick off its annual United Way giving campaign on Monday, Nov. 6, at 3:30 p.m. with an informational meeting and social in Shivers Courtside Club. All employees are encouraged to attend to learn more about United Way, socialize and mingle with colleagues, and enjoy complimentary beverages and snacks. Toby O’Berry of Iowa Homeless Youth Shelters will be the guest speaker at the event. Representatives from United Way will also be on hand to answer questions.

This year’s campaign goal is to raise $55,000 or achieve a participation rate of 200 employees. If our goal is met, all employees will receive the full day off on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (instead of a half-day).

Why invest in United Way?

United Way works to better the lives of central Iowans by investing in programs and resources that focus on the building blocks of a good life––education, health, and self-sufficiency.

Money donated to United Way stays right here in our community. United Way raises money locally and makes investment decisions locally. United Way financially supports 33 organizations that are Drake partners. Last year, more than 6,000 people in the 50311 zip code benefited from United Way funding. Also, donors can designate what program or nonprofit agency they’d like their donation to support.

While the greatest incentive is improving lives for the better, Drake is encouraging employees to donate by offering a variety of incentives that vary per giving level. Incentives include basketball tickets, Drake merchandise (we have so much to give away!), a visit to the President’s house, VIP Bucksbaum tickets, and more.

How to Give

The easiest way to give is online. An email with a donation link will be distributed to campus on Monday, Nov. 6. For those who have contributed in the past, please consider contributing again. If you are new to the campaign, please consider donating $5 per month.

A simple way to give is through payroll deduction. Employees have the option to make a one-time gift or a recurring gift each pay period. More information on giving to United Way can be found here.

For questions on the campaign, contact your campaign ambassador or Nate Reagen, at or ext. 2949.

Nate Reagen, President’s Office

FYS lunch discussion Nov. 3

The next Friday FYS lunch/discussion is Nov. 3 at 12 p.m. in Olmsted Center, TMR 133. The event is open to both current and prospective FYS instructors. If you have an interest in possibly teaching FYS in the future, or are curious to learn more about teaching FYS sections, you are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend, please register and select a lunch preference online.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost