Category Archives: For Staff Archive

First generation student ice cream social

In support of Drake’s increased programming for first generation students, Provost Mattison is hosting an ice cream social on Wednesday, April 4, from 4 to 5 p.m. in Shivers Hospitality Suite. This is an opportunity to celebrate Drake’s first generation students, staff, and faculty and to continue building relationships and support within the community.

If you are able to attend, please RSVP by Friday, March 30.

If you have any questions, contact or

Marina Verlengia, Academic Excellence and Student Success

Reminder: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning lunch Friday

Reminder: The next Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lunch is Friday, March 30, at 12 p.m. in Medbury Hall, Room 201. The lunch discussion is an opportunity for those engaged in SoTL projects at any level—from just thinking about starting one, to almost complete, or those simply curious about SoTL—to share ideas, seek advice, or ask questions of colleagues engaged in the process. While it is too late to sign up for a lunch, you are welcome to attend and bring your own lunch.

— Art Sanders, Associate Provost

All Staff/Facilities meeting with President Martin

President Martin will meet with facilities and staff this Thursday from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in the Olmsted Center, Pomerantz Stage, to discuss the University’s draft of core values. This casual gathering will include a chance to provide feedback and ask questions about the core values. The meeting is presented by All Staff Council.

— Nancy Geiger, Office of the Registrar/All Staff Council

All Staff Council Hunger Fight

Volunteer with your colleagues for an afternoon of meal packaging at Meals from the Heartland. We’ll package meals from 1 to 3 p.m. on April 13 at the Heartland Facility, 357 Lincoln St., West Des Moines. Volunteers are encouraged to help clean up after the shift, then mingle with colleagues at The Tavern Restaurant.

Please register through Eventbrite before April 6. Direct any questions about the event to Heidi Weiss at All volunteers are automatically entered into the 2018 All Staff Council parking pass drawing.

When you package meals, you’re helping thousands of hungry people throughout the world. Meals are transported directly to locations where people are undernourished or starving. Not only are you helping people in need, but meal packaging is also a fun, easy way to volunteer and get to know other staff members. You may be able to use your Community Service Leave Form for this event—check with your manager to see if this is an option.

If you can’t make it to the event, but would like to participate in some way, you may donate directly to Meals From the Heartland on their website. And of course, you can continue to bring in non-perishable items to be placed in the Little Food Pantries located on and around the Drake campus. For more information, review the ASC Hunger Fight Flyer.

— Heidi Weiss, University Advancement/All Staff Council


Why should you be All In?

All In, Drake’s annual 24-hour giving campaign, is next Thursday and Friday, April 5 and 6, from noon to noon. It marks a day when faculty, staff, alumni, students, parents, and friends unite to show their support and pride for the University. The campaign raises funds to support Drake’s greatest needs. The donations made will affect every area of campus and impact the life of every student, current and future.

VIDEO: For more videos and campaign updates follow the All In Facebook page.

As Drake employees, we commit ourselves to making Drake a better place every single day—and nobody knows Drake’s needs better than we do. Last year, 183 faculty and staff went All In, and overall, the campaign raised more than $150,000 from 852 donors. This year we aim to be even more successful.

In fact, this year three generous alums have joined together to offer a challenge. If 1,000 members of the Drake community make a gift during All In, they will collectively donate $50,000. This is a tremendous opportunity to make your gift go even further and help unlock a substantial amount of support for Drake.

Here are five more important reasons to give:

  1. Your gift supports Drake students as they forge their path toward meaningful personal lives, professional accomplishments, and responsible global citizenship.
  2. Your gift is an investment in Drake, and as an employee, an investment in your work and future.
  3. Giving demonstrates our united support for the University and makes an impressive statement to our constituents, alumni, and all Drake supporters that we believe in the work we do.
  4. By making a gift, you can support your passion. Give back to something at Drake that inspires you.
  5. Giving can be pretty sweet. If you make your gift before 2:30 p.m. on April 5, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a homemade apple pie from Provost Mattison. The winner will be picked at the faculty and staff social.

Think your gift won’t make a difference?

Think again. Collective giving makes a huge impact. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference, and puts us closer to achieving our goal of 1,000 donors and $50,000 for Drake.

You can make your gift during the event at

Attend the social and show your Drake pride

Attend a social on Thursday, April 5, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the lower level of Collier-Scripps Hall to celebrate All In. A drink ticket and snacks will be provided. This is an opportunity to learn more about All In. Don’t forget to wear your Drake gear to celebrate All In on April 5 and 6.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions about the event and how you can be All In, contact Becca Widmer, director of annual giving, at

Becca Widmer, University Advancement

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning lunch

The next Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lunch is Friday, March 30, at 12 p.m. in Medbury Hall, Room 201. The lunch discussion is an opportunity for those engaged in SoTL projects at any level—from just thinking about starting one, to almost complete, or those simply curious about SoTL—to share ideas, seek advice, or ask questions of colleagues engaged in the process. To receive lunch, register by Monday, March 26, at 4 p.m.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Employee perks and discounts

Drake faculty and staff have access to a number of services and events for free or at discounted prices. The only problem is that we often don’t know about them. If your department offers any employee perks and discounts, or you know of a perk or discount from outside of your area, please contact Linda Feiden at This information will be collected and shared on blueView for easy access.

Benefits could include internal perks such as discounted tickets to Drake events or free Microsoft Office software for home computers, or an external discount such as those through Verizon, AT&T and Interstate Batteries.

—Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Community service and employee excellence nominations being accepted

Nominations are now being accepted for the Madelyn M. Levitt Distinguished Community Service Award and the Madelyn M. Levitt Employee Excellence Award. Nominations are due to Human Resources by Friday, March 30, at 4:30 p.m. Late nominations will not be accepted.

Madelyn M. Levitt Distinguished Community Service Award
Madelyn M. Levitt established the Distinguished Community Service Award to recognize the outstanding contributions of Drake faculty and staff to the Drake community. Recipients are chosen on the following criteria:

  • A demonstrated personal commitment to volunteerism and community service
  • An outstanding record of leadership or substantial involvement in community projects, services, and activities contributing to the quality of life in our region, state, and/or the nation
  • Professional and personal values and behavior that typify the ideals of “giving back to others” and “making a difference in the lives of others”
  • The nominee must be a current faculty or staff member with at least five years of service at Drake.

Madelyn M. Levitt Employee Excellence Award
The Employee Excellence Award is presented to a staff member who demonstrates exceptional commitment to excellence in the performance of their duties. Criteria for the award include:

  • Exceptional performance as an employee of Drake University
  • Outstanding dedication to providing courteous, prompt, and quality service
  • Demonstrated commitment to University programs, initiatives, and services
  • Professional values and behavior that demonstrate exceptional service to others and a commitment to Drake University
  • The nominee must be a current staff member with at least one year of service at Drake.

To nominate a colleague, submit a letter of nomination to the Levitt Award Committee, care of (c/o) Human Resources. Nomination letters may be sent through campus mail or electronically to

A nomination letter detailing specific examples of how the nominee exemplifies each of the applicable criteria is desirable. Additional letters of support are not necessary. A review committee will make award recommendations to the President’s Council.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Staff/facilities meeting with President Martin

On Thursday, March 29, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. in the Olmsted Center, Pomerantz Stage, President Martin will meet with facilities and staff to discuss the University’s draft of core values. This casual gathering will include a chance to provide feedback and ask questions about the core values. If you’d like to suggest a topic for Q&A, please contact Nancy Geiger at or at extension 3095. The meeting is presented by All Staff Council.

— Nancy Geiger, Office of the Registrar/All Staff Council