Category Archives: For Staff Archive

University Book Club reading “Arrowood”

The discussion group for the University Book Club is meeting tonight, April 3, at 4:45 p.m. in one of the back rooms at Smokey Row. The book club is reading Arrowood by Laura McHugh, an eerie tale set in Keokuk, Iowa.

To RSVP for the discussion, or to receive future book club information directly to your email, contact The discussion is open to any staff and faculty member.

In addition, the book club is accepting book selection ideas for the next fiscal year. Please send book suggestions to

Previous selections include:

  • “The Kind Worth Killing” by Peter Swanson
  • “Thirteen Ways of Looking”  by Colum McCann
  • “The Boys in the Boat” by Daniel James Brown
  • “The Nest” by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney
  • “Hidden Figures” by Margo Lee Shetterly
  • “Bottomland” by Michelle Hoover
  • “Modern Romance” by Aziz Ansari
  • “The Alice Network” by Kate Quinn
  • “Arrowood” by Laura McHugh (current selection)
  • “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand (upcoming summer selection)

— All Staff Council, Special Events Committee

Upcoming Tech Tuesday workshops

Join ITS staff for the next sessions of Tech Tuesday on April 10 and May 8 from 2 to 2:50 p.m. in the Dial Center Large Conference Room. On Tuesday, April 10, find out where you can learn more and start on the path to becoming a Microsoft Office pro. On Tuesday, May 8, come and learn about the video conferencing tools available to faculty and staff. Learn more and sign up for the sessions today.

— Carla Herling, ITS

Community Engaged Learning open house

The Office of Community Engaged Learning invites you to an open house to see their new space at 1213 25th Street, immediately north of the Varsity Theater, on Friday, April 6, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Tour the space and hear about programs making a difference in the community from food recovery to college access programming. Refreshments will be provided. An optional tour at the Sprout Garden near The Knapp Center will also be offered. Contact or 515-271-2454 with questions.

—Amanda Martin, Community Engaged Learning & Service

Ambassador John K. Menzies to visit Drake

Ambassador John K. Menzies, former Chief of Mission at the U.S. Office in Kosovo and U.S. Ambassador to Bosnia-Herzegovina, will be a visiting diplomat at Drake on April 6. Faculty and staff are invited to a breakfast with Ambassador Menzies on Friday, April 6, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. in the Medbury Honors Lounge. Please RSVP to if you plan to attend.  Ambassador Menzies will also hold “office hours” for students from 10 to 11 a.m. on April 6 in the International Center, located at 1213 25th Street.

 — Denise Ganpat, Center for Global Citizenship

Drake Social April 11

A faculty and staff social will be held Wednesday, April 11, from 4 to 6 p.m. at Shivers Hospitality Suite. All faculty and staff are invited to enjoy beverages, popcorn, and snack mix, while relaxing with friends and colleagues. Watch your email for the Provost’s trivia question to earn an additional drink ticket. There will be not be a town hall discussion prior to the social.

Drinda Williams, Provost’s Office

All In campaign kicks off Thursday: What will your impact be?

All In is this Thursday and Friday from noon to noon! The 24-hour online giving day is an opportunity to make a huge difference in a short amount of time, but in order to be successful, we need all of us—faculty, staff, students, alumni, parents, and fans—to be all in.

Challenge opportunity

Thanks to a group of generous donors, gifts made during All In can go even further. If 1,000 people make a gift, alumni Doug Zinser, AS ’96, Al McCoy, FA ’54, and Paul, JO ’68, and Laura Miller, AS ’70, will collectively give $50,000 to Drake. Be sure to participate and be counted as one of 1,000 to earn this substantial amount for the University.

How to be All In

  1. Give online on April 5 and 6 at Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference.
  2. Spread the word. In one day, Bulldogs across the nation can do truly amazing things—as long as they know about it. Spread the word about #DrakeALLIN on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and encourage others to do the same. Be sure to follow the campaign Facebook page and share posts throughout the day. You can even update your profile picture with a frame from the All In Facebook page to show your support.
  3. Celebrate. Attend the faculty and staff social this Thursday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the lower level of Collier-Scripps Hall to celebrate All In. A drink ticket and snacks will be provided. After the social, continue the celebration at Peggy’s with an event hosted by the Central Iowa Regional Alumni Board. No need to be an alumna/alumnus to attend. Griff and Paul Revere’s breadsticks will be there.

Don’t forget, the entire campus community is encouraged to wear Drake gear on both April 5 and 6! Faculty and staff who make a purchase at the Bookstore this week will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 gift card—this is in addition to the standing 20 percent off discount faculty and staff receive.

For questions about All In, contact Becca Widmer, director of annual giving, at

— Becca Widmer, University Advancement

March Digital Faculty Member of the Month

Each month, a faculty member, nominated by their dean, is recognized for their efforts to integrate innovative technology into the classroom. March’s digital faculty member of the month is Michael Q. Rieck, associate professor of computer science. Read an interview between ITS and Mark.

What type of technology do you use?

VirtualBox with Ubuntu and Minix virtual disks

In what context do you use this technology?

Lab work, during regular class sessions

In what course do you use this technology?

CS 160: Operating Systems

How does this type of technology align with your teaching pedagogy?

It gives students an opportunity to do some Linux systems programming, and to rewrite source code for Minix and explore the effects.

Where did you get the inspiration to make a change?

It started more than a decade ago. Minix goes along with a textbook by Tanenbaum, and I wanted students to wrestle with OS source code, and Minix seemed easier than Linux.

How long did it take for you to implement this technology?

Including labs that I developed, it took about half a year to get it all set up.

Did ITS assist you in implementing this technology?

Yes, particularly with the installation of VirtualBox in FAC 335, which is a room I depended upon for Ubuntu and Minix labs, until recently.

Are you interested in trying out new technology in your classroom? Want help from ITS staff? Schedule a technology adoption consultation.   

—Erin Ulrich, CPHS, and Carla Herling, ITS