Category Archives: For Staff Archive

Embrace the culture of philanthropy at Drake

If you’d like to make a gift to Drake yet this year, or set up a payroll deduction pledge for next year, please complete the form that was recently sent to you. If you have any questions about your giving, please reach out to Pam Pepper at extension 4558 or

Whatever priorities you support, your contributions will help the University to realize its dreams. Thank you for considering a gift to Drake, and thank you for all you do for Drake and our students every day.

Pam Pepper, University Advancement

Sapphire Awards tomorrow

You are invited to relax, connect, and celebrate with colleagues at the All Staff Council Sapphire Awards tomorrow, May 9, from 2 to 3 p.m. in Levitt Hall. This annual event honors Called to be True Blue Award recipients from the 2017-2018 academic year, with Sapphire Awards going to top individual and group award winners.

Please join us for refreshments, entertainment, and connection as we come together to honor your hard work and commitment, while giving special recognition to colleagues.

— All Staff Council

Faculty development opportunities for fall semester

Below is a list of faculty development opportunities for community engaged learning.

Community Engaged Learning Faculty Learning Community

When: September–December, Mondays 1:30–3 p.m.

Description: Facilitated by Anisa Fornoff, associate professor of pharmacy practice, this program will form a learning community to discuss best practices in community engaged learning and explore how it may enhance student learning in the classroom. The group will meet five times throughout the fall semester, for 90 minutes each meeting, to discuss the book “Service-Learning Essentials: Questions, Answers, and Lessons Learned” by Barbara Jacoby and apply the knowledge learned in this book to effectively connect classroom learning and community engagement. For one meeting, Drake’s Office of Community Engagement will organize a project that will allow participants to actively explore the process of learning through a hands-on service project with a local community organization. Participants with prior service-learning knowledge are welcome, as well as those who may be interested in gaining new ideas for integrating community engagement into their classrooms for the first time. A stipend of $250 will be provided to each participant at the conclusion of the semester. This opportunity will be limited to eight participants and a copy of the book will be provided.

Apply: Applications accepted on a rolling basis, this experience is limited to eight instructors.

Engaged Faculty Institute

When: Sep. 27, 12–4:30 p.m. and Sep. 28, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Description: Facilitated by Iowa Campus Compact, this seminar will provide an in-depth institute on components and practices of quality and rigorous community engagement, as well as the opportunity to connect directly with community partners to co-create courses and/or research projects. It’s structured for those who are interested in designing a service-learning project with their community partner. If accepted, you and your partner will receive $250 for your time related to attending the institute, implementing a service-learning course, and helping us to plan future institutes. Don’t have a community partner? Contact for ideas.

Apply: Applications accepted on a rolling basis, this experience is limited to eight instructors.

Global Service-Learning Travel Seminar & Learning Community

When: October–May, plus a weeklong trip to Mexico during Spring Break

Description: This seminar is for those who have developed or are interested in developing a global service-learning course. The goal of this seminar experience is to experience a travel seminar first-hand; participate in service-learning with a local community abroad; and explore best practices for curriculum integration of global service-learning, including methods for developing opportunities for critical reflection. The cohort will consist of faculty and staff from a variety of disciplines and departments. The cohort will meet for workshops and learning community sessions from October to May. The experience includes an all expenses paid travel seminar to Drake’s partner institution Tecnológico de Monterrey in Guadalajara, Mexico.

This experience is being supported by the Ron & Jane Olson Endowment for Global Service-Learning.

Apply: The application will be released summer 2018, to be notified when the application goes live, email

CEL for Online Courses

When: Fall, 4-6 asynchronous online sessions

Description: Facilitated by Iowa Campus Compact, this online seminar series is targeted toward instructors who are or will be teaching online courses and interested in using community engaged learning as a teaching strategy. Yes, community engaged learning can be utilized in online courses. This program will discuss best practices in community engaged learning and explore how it may enhance student learning in the online classroom.

Apply: The application will be released summer 2018.

Renee Sedlacek, Community Engaged Learning

New student success platform to support student retention

As mentioned in last week’s OnCampus, Drake will launch a new student success platform, called Starfish, in August 2018. Starfish is a communication tool that helps promote engagement to improve student outcomes. Drake will leverage two components that support student retention. Starfish Early Alert helps gather information about students so that they can access assistance before circumstances cause them to fall behind. Starfish Connect helps create a bridge between students, professors, advisors, and staff to keep students on the right track. There are scheduling and communication elements built into this portion of the software. The planning team has just started their work on the project, so look for more updates in the coming months.

— Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Student Success

Drake Social and service recognition celebration tomorrow

A faculty and staff social will be held tomorrow, May 2, from 4 to 6 p.m. at Shivers Hospitality Suite. Faculty and staff who celebrated 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 years of service from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 and those who are retiring or have recently retired will be recognized at the event. All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend to celebrate their fellow colleagues.

40-Year Anniversary:

Kathy Jefferson

35-Year Anniversaries:

Andrea Charlow, Claudia Frazer, LaRhee Henderson, Aggie Jones, Joe Lenz, William Lewis

30-Year Anniversaries:

Danny Beaty, Ronald Caudle, Venetta Hammond, Janet McMahill, Elizabeth Robertson, Robert Stensrud, David Wright

25-Year Anniversaries:

Andrew Classen, Laurie Dore, Matthew Dore, Gary Johnson, Nancy Reincke

20-Year Anniversaries:

Matthew Esposito, Michael Fucaloro, Donna Knight-Donovan, Carrie Lewis, Glenn McKnight, Paula Peterson, Scott Raecker, Maria Reyes, Lola Spear, Jolaine Sweiger, Sofia Turnbull, Desi Woods

15-Year Anniversaries:

Shaunarae Bury, Mary Butterwick, Richard Calvert, Anthony Doss, Paul Judd, Robert Lampman, JoBeth Malone-Schoneberg, Jeannie Nielsen, Michael Rothmayer, Heidi Sleister, Heather Stemsrud, Inchul Suh, Keith Summerville, Elisabeth West

10-Year Anniversaries:

Sandra Alvarez-Herrera, Bridget Arrasmith, Heidi J. Ball, Mary Byers, Ronald Cliff, Cassandra Clyde, Brina Coppi, Brad Crowell, Debra Dodge, Darla Eastman, Muir Eaton, Brandy Eganhouse, Bengu Erguner-Tekinalp, Jordan Flynn, Rick Fox, Alice Fynaardt, Eduardo Garcia Villada, Sarah Grady, Lisa Grulke, Alison Harms, Renee Hennessy, Pramod Mahajan, Amahia Mallea, Mary McCarthy, James McNab, Christine Miller, Kristine Plagman, Sarah Plum, Kimberly Puetz, Donald Severs, Jennifer Tran-Johnson, Richard White, Gary Williamson

5-Year Anniversaries:

Ann Allen, Heather Armstrong, Lisa Bailey, Jenifer Baugher, Jack Bush, William Cashmore, Leslee Cran, Armando Davila, Diane Eischeid, Megan Franklin, Thomas Ginn, Kristin Glenn, Dianna Gray, Alyssa Harrell, Ryan Harris, Matthew Hayden, Sara Heijerman, Carla Herling, Jerome Hilscher, Terry Janssen, Jeffrey Kappen, Deborah Kent, David Kozlowski, Kevin Lam, Aimee Lane, Diana Lei-Butters, Eric Lindstrom, Darrin McBroom, Wendy Mobley-Bukstein, Alicia Munoz Martinez, Bridget Nixon, Kevin O’Connor, Shannon Odenbach, Tyler Patton, Kelly Read, Judith Russell, James Sacco, Charitie Schaer, Miguel Schor, Stephanie Sinovic, Stephanie Sledge, Austin Strawhacker, Donna Tuttle, Timothy Welty, Beth Wilson


Marilea Chase, Garry Frank, Thomas Heger, LaRhee Henderson, Aggie Jones, Gloria Lawless, William Lewis, Larry Naylor, Carolyn Nelson, Thomas Pokos, Marla Rigby, M. Christine Schneider, Terry Thorpe, David Wright, Eleanor Zeff

Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Summer Faculty Writing Group

Drake faculty members are invited to participate in a short-term faculty writing group focused on using the summer effectively for our scholarship. We will meet from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 31, and Friday, June 1, and again on Thursday, Aug. 23, and Friday, Aug. 24. The writing group will be co-facilitated by Nate Holdren, assistant professor of law, politics & society, and En Li, assistant professor of history. Our goal for the May sessions will be to help set ourselves up to make progress on our scholarship over the summer. Our goals for the August sessions will be to be accountable to each other about how effectively we were at actually working on our goals over the summer, and to help ourselves begin the fall semester with some goals and plans. We will read Joli Jensen’s book Write No Matter What and discuss it to the degree that participants find it useful. Each session will also include discussion of the faculty members’ own scholarship and on-site writing time.

This writing group is supported by a Faculty Development Grant from the College of Arts and Sciences. There are spots for ten faculty participants. Should more than 10 individuals express interest, priority shall be given to 1) those who participated in the spring Faculty Writing Group, 2) tenure-track faculty who are not yet tenured, 3) faculty who are members of groups under-represented, and 4) faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Participants who attend all four sessions will receive a stipend of $150.

If you are interested in participating, contact Kayla Jenkins at by May 11.

If you have questions, please contact co-facilitators, Nate Holdren at, and En Li at

En Li, History Department

Last Tech Tuesday of the semester

Join ITS staff for this semester’s last session of Tech Tuesday on May 8 from 2 to 2:50 p.m. in the Dial Center Large Conference Room.

On Tuesday, May 8, come and learn about the video conferencing tools available to faculty and staff. Sign up and learn more about the session.

Tech Tuesday workshops will return in the fall. Watch OnCampus for information on future topics and dates.

Carla Herling, ITS