The Des Moines Corporate Games are a great way to have fun with co-workers, celebrate your health, skills, and knowledge, and represent Drake while doing so.
We need help filling upcoming teams with June deadlines. Please consider joining us.
Track & Field. Deadline to register is June 7 before 10 a.m. Events are held Tuesday, June 13, at the Drake stadium beginning 5:30 p.m. Events include 100 meter dash, 400 meter run, 800 meter run, long jump, shot put, and a couple relays. All ages welcome.
Dodgeball. Deadline to register is June 7. Event held Wednesday, June 21, at 6 p.m. at Pioneer Columbus Community Center. Need at least two more men and women—more are welcome.
Kickball. Deadline to register is June 7. Event held Saturday, June 24, at Savage Softball Fields beginning at 9 a.m. Need at least four more men and five more women—more are welcome.
Trivia. Deadline to register is June 14. Event held Tuesday, June 27, at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown. Check-in at 5:30 p.m. and competition begins at 6:30 p.m. Opening for up to three more men or women.
Bowling (coed, women’s, men’s). Deadline to register is June 28. The coed team plays Tuesday, July 11, and the men’s and women’s teams play on Wednesday, July 12, at Bowlerama Lanes, beginning at 8 p.m. Five players per team. Plenty of openings on all teams.
In addition to the team events, there are several individual events coming up in June that you may be interested in, including yoga (June 17 at Gray’s Lake Park at 9 a.m.) a virtual fitness walk (anytime from June 16–19), and a virtual fitness class (June 29). If you are not into sports, they also have an opportunity for you to donate blood or package meals at Meals from the Heartland.
Signing up is easy—email Linda Feiden at if you are interested in participating in any (or many) of the events above.
— Linda Feiden, Human Resources