Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

True Blue nominations open

The All Staff Council Recognition Committee is accepting True Blue nominations. A staff member who is called to be True Blue is someone who:

  1. Epitomizes the values of leadership, teamwork, and integrity, and exhibits their commitment to the Drake community.
  2. Has shown others what it takes to get a task or project done, and accomplishes that by working well with others.
  3. Is able to be honest and fair in the situations they face.
  4. Does all of these things for the betterment of Drake and its values and goals.

If this sounds like someone you know, make your nomination today.

— Betsy Wilson, On behalf of All Staff Council

International Scholar Reception

Drake University is delighted to be hosting six international scholars from around the world this fall—the most we have hosted at once in more than a decade.  The international scholars are serving in various capacities, including teaching, research, and mentorship, and bring a unique global perspective to our community.

The Office of Global Engagement is hosting a welcome reception for the international scholars in Levitt Hall on Thursday, Sept. 28, from 4–6 p.m. Please come and meet the scholars, help welcome them to campus, and expand your global network!

The scholars include:

  • Ines Rojas – Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish and Communication & Cultural Literacy
    College of Arts & Sciences and Bright College
  • Zahir Cerkini – Fulbright Scholar
    Law School
  • Suryani Wijaya – Fulbright Scholar
    College of Arts & Sciences
  • Yajuan Jiang – Research Scholar
    Law School
  • Hua Zhang – Research Scholar
    Law School
  • Juan Del Valle Rosales – Research Scholar
    College of Arts & Sciences

Please join us as we celebrate these scholars and their contributions to our campus community.

— Bonnie Ehler, Global Engagement

Call for proposals: J-Term travel seminars 2025

Interested in leading a J-Term 2025 travel seminar? Submit your travel seminar proposal by Sunday, Oct. 15, at 11:59 p.m. through Qualtrics. If you are new to leading travel seminars, please reach out to Global Engagement to set up a meeting to discuss your ideas and learn more about the process.

A travel seminar is a short-term, faculty-led study abroad (or domestic) program. This is an opportunity to teach a course that integrates an academic experience with intercultural and experiential learning while traveling.  To learn more about the travel seminar process, please contact Chelsea Funk, assistant director of Education Abroad, at

Chelsea Funk, Global Engagement

Cowles Library OER grant stipend opportunity

Cowles Library is excited to announce an opportunity for full-time Drake faculty interested in learning more about using open educational resources (OER) in their courses. After successfully offering these grants last fall, the Provost’s Office is generously supporting them again this fall. These open resources replace costly textbooks and are beneficial to students in your courses in so many ways.  The Drake Faculty Open Education Grant Program is offering $500 stipends to participants who complete the program, which comprises a workshop, self-paced learning modules, and peer discussion.

This program will be limited to six (6) participants in fall 2023, and participants must complete all required components to receive their stipend. We expect the time commitment for the program to be ten to twelve (10-12) hours, which includes the virtual kickoff workshop on Friday, October 6, 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Apply now: Drake Faculty Open Education Grant Program Application

Deadline: Applications are due by Wednesday, Sept. 27. Individuals will be notified of the status of their application by Monday, Oct. 2. Grants will be awarded based on representation of a wide range of disciplines and the alignment of application responses to the proposed content of this program.

Questions? Contact the project leads: Teri Koch, at or Andrew Welch at

— Teri Koch, Cowles Library

Celebration of Life for Maddy Maxwell Oct. 5

Please join President Marty Martin, Emeritus President David Maxwell, and the Board of Trustees in celebrating the life and leadership of Madeleine “Maddy” Maxwell on Thursday, Oct. 5, from 4:30–6 p.m. at the Patty and Fred Turner Jazz Center.

Maddy passed away June 14. Emeritus President David and Maddy Maxwell led the University from 1999–2015. As the University’s first lady for 16 years, Maddy worked tirelessly to bring the campus and community together. She was a true servant-leader, and she lived a life devoted to transforming lives and strengthening communities. Maddy’s joyful spirit, boundless energy, and deep commitment to students will serve as inspiration for generations of graduates and community friends.

Please RSVP by Sept. 29 to Erica Hartschen at or 515-271-4990.  
Parking for the celebration can be found off Forest Ave across from the Knapp Center.

— Erica Hartschen, University Advancement

Tuition exchange applications for 2024–2025

Full-time employees in a regular position at Drake University are eligible to participate in tuition exchange programs, which offer waived or discounted tuition at other participating institutions for employees, their spouse/partner, or eligible dependent(s).

Those wishing to apply for tuition exchange starting in the 2024–2025 academic year can apply now. Applications should only be completed for students not already approved for tuition exchange—those who have been approved for tuition exchange in prior years will automatically be re-certified for consideration in the 2024–2025 academic year (assuming the employee remains eligible).

There are three steps in the tuition exchange application process:

  1. Employee/student submits a tuition exchange application online through one or both of the tuition exchange programs listed below (the student should also apply for admission at each school listed on the tuition exchange application).
  2. Drake’s Financial Aid Office will confirm and certify the employee’s eligibility to participate in the tuition exchange program. This is done on a rolling basis as applications are received.
  3. Each school listed on the TE application will determine whether they can offer the student a tuition exchange award.

Schools have different application deadlines and timelines for announcing award determinations. It is the employee’s responsibility to submit the tuition exchange application early enough to allow time for step #2 to be completed in advance of each school’s deadlines.

Details about each of Drake’s tuition exchange programs are provided below:

Tuition Exchange, Inc. (TE)
TE has over 670 participating schools. Visit to learn more, view participating schools, and to submit an application.

Council of Independent Colleges & Universities Tuition Exchange Program (CIC-TEP)
CIC-TEP has over 440 participating schools. Visit to learn more, view participating schools, and to submit an application.

— Ryan Zantingh, Director of Student Financial Aid

Reminder: Required Return of Drake-owned Technology policy

As we begin a new semester, please be reminded that Drake-owned technology is required by policy to be returned to the ITS Department.

When a faculty member, staff member, or student employee leaves Drake, the Drake-owned technology (e.g., laptops and docking stations) must be returned to ITS by the employee’s manager or direct supervisor within 10 business days of the last date of employment. For technology replacement or to receive a loaner computer, the previous technology must be returned within 10 days of deployment of the new technology. Please submit tickets to Computer/Peripheral Request in the ITS Service Portal.

For more information and detailed steps, please see the full Required Return of Drake-owned Technology Policy at

Please reach out to Alicia Mann, Budget and Office Manager, at with questions or concerns.

— Alicia Mann, ITS

International teaching opportunity in Mexico

Drake’s global partner institution in Mexico, Tecnológico de Monterrey (TEC), is seeking faculty members to participate in a short-term international teaching opportunity on their campuses across Mexico Nov. 6–10.

International Faculty Week 2023 connects faculty members from universities all over the world, providing the opportunity to come to Mexico to teach in a multicultural environment while engaging with TEC undergraduate students from all areas and networking with international colleagues. This program is an opportunity to experience teaching at Mexico’s top private university!

Drake faculty from any discipline are eligible to participate, and the language of instruction for any topic can be English or Spanish. Learn more about this unique international opportunity by reviewing this overview document and FAQ.

To apply, complete the online registration form by Sept. 22. You will need to provide a CV (in English or Spanish) and proposed lecture topics. Selected candidates will be notified in early October.

Past participant experiences

“This opportunity to represent the Zimpleman College of Business at Drake University at this global event reminds me of the words of UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim ‘…to teach if we are called upon, to be taught if we are fortunate.’”

— Dean Alejandro Hernandez, Zimpleman College of Business, March 2023, Mexico City Campus

“Dr. James Sacco was assigned to the Tecnológico de Monterrey School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Monterrey, where he taught several classes on diverse toxicology topics to graduate and undergraduate students attending various programs, including Bachelor of Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, and Biotechnology. He also had the opportunity to observe study and research facilities for students and faculty and laid the foundation for future collaboration in both research and teaching projects.”

—James Sacco, Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, March 2023, Monterrey Campus

Funding available through Global Engagement

Drake Global Engagement is pleased to accept funding requests to cover travel expenses. Complete our online application form to request grant funding through the Global Engagement Grant. Applications must include a proposed budget and a letter of support from the head of your academic unit. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. More information about funding for international activities can be found on our website.

Please direct questions related to this opportunity, Drake’s international partnerships, and funding for international activities to

— Hannah Sappenfield, Global Engagement

Help welcome new and returning students to campus

The start of a new academic year is an exciting and busy time.  Efforts across campus are underway to provide a warm welcome back for all Drake students—and you are invited to join in the fun! You can find the whole calendar of events here for the week of Aug. 28 through Sept. 1.

It’s not too late to be part of the effort.  Hang a welcome sign on your door, set out some treats for students in your office area, invite a student to lunch … get creative!  Here’s to an excellent new year.

Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Academic Excellence and Student Success

Welcome new Slay Fund Director Jill Allen

The Slay Fund for Social Justice welcomes a new faculty director, Jill Allen, for the 2023–2024 academic year. The Slay Fund for Social Justice is a wide-ranging endowed fund which aims to (1) support programs and initiatives which directly advance social justice and (2) continue important ongoing efforts around advancing social justice work in the Drake community. This fund is made possible through the generous support of Drake alumni, Brent and Diane Slay, who have shared in Drake’s commitment to elevate diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice conversations and encourage social justice action.

Allen, an Iowa native and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, joined the Drake faculty in 2015 and specializes in prejudice reduction interventions related to STEM education and understanding the social consequences of sexual objectification among women and men. In addition to teaching courses which resonate with social justice themes, such as Psychology of Gender and Psychology of Prejudice, Allen’s scholarly pursuits target key psychological mechanisms (i.e., belonging, motivation) to mitigate the negative consequences of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination for stigmatized groups. “It is privilege to carry forward the Slays’ vision to provide exceptional social justice opportunities on Drake’s campus and within the Des Moines community,” adds Allen. “The types of experiential learning opportunities, leadership development, and mentoring programs sponsored by the Slay Fund have the potential to change a student’s trajectory, as well as to open hearts and minds toward diverse viewpoints.”

To learn more about the Slay Fund for Social Justice, or to discuss a possible grant proposal, please visit or reach out directly at

— Madison Bemus, Office of the Provost