Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

You are invited to a meet & greet

Faculty and staff who are veterans and/or military family members are invited to a Meet and Greet on Thursday, Nov. 10, 8–9 a.m., in Turner Jazz Center. Come and meet other Drake faculty, staff, and students who are veterans or military family members. Light refreshments will be available. This casual social recognizes the community of students and employees who share a common bond along with their Drake connection.

—Nancy Geiger, Academic Excellence and Student Success

2016–2017 Olson Global Service-Learning Match Grants

The Ronald and Jane Olson Endowment for Global Service-Learning is providing support for two service-learning match grants for 2016–2017. Applications are available online and are due Dec. 16, at 8 a.m. Applicants will be notified by Dec. 23 regarding award status.

Match grants will be awarded to student global service-learning projects with faculty/staff support where funds or in-kind donations have been appropriated or raised but where additional funds would be beneficial. The Olson Global Service-Learning Match Grant funds are designated to enhance global service-learning projects by providing additional funds that would otherwise not be accessible.


  • Funds or in-kind donations of at least $500 must have already been raised
  • Projects must have a strong global service-learning emphasis
  • Student applicants must have demonstrated faculty/staff support

Two grants of $500 will be awarded this academic year. Please note that we are NOT able to reimburse for individuals’ mileage.

Questions: Contact Amanda Martin, community engaged learning program coordinator, at

—Amanda Martin

Helping to Create Inclusive Learning Environments

Faculty and staff are invited to “Helping to Create Inclusive Learning Environments” a panel discussion with student members of the Disability Action and Awareness Community (DAAC), a new student organization on campus. The focus will be on creating educational experiences that are inclusive of students with disabilities. Attendees will hear personal accounts of student’s experiences, as well as have time to ask questions. The session will be on Tuesday, Nov. 15, from 3:20 to 4:30 p.m. in CR 310 on the second floor in Olmsted Center.

This session is organized by the Office of the Associate Provost and DAAC.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

United Way giving campaign ends this week

The Drake campus giving campaign for United Way and Iowa Shares will be Nov. 7–18.  As a campus that cares about our neighbors, the Drake community donated nearly $54,000 to the cause in 2015. The goal this year is to raise $55,000, increase participation by 100 new donors, and increase giving at $500 or more to 20 individuals. Donors who increase their 2015 pledge by $25 or more will be entered in a drawing for a free 2016–2017 parking pass or for a FLEX pack of four tickets to a Drake women’s basketball game. Additionally, the first 100 donors to the campaign will receive a voucher for two tickets to any December or January men’s or women’s basketball game. Finally, all donors will automatically be entered into a drawing for gift cards from local businesses.

Donors have the option of payroll deduction, check, cash, or credit card to either a general community need or to a specific organization. The payroll deduction option will allow you to spread your gift over a 12-month period, beginning Jan. 1, 2017.

Thank you for all that you do for Drake and our community. If you have any questions, please contact Nick Valdez, neighborhood & community relations manager, at 515-271 or

—Nick Valdez

Save the date

The second “Stand Up, Speak Up: Drake Women & Leadership Symposium” for faculty and staff will be held on Friday, March 10, 2017. There will be two workshops, lunch, and a social at the end of the day. This event also qualifies for up to 3 BUILD credits.

Mark your calendar and keep an eye out for more announcements!

Questions? Please contact one of the committee co-chairs:

—Stephanie Cardwell

November FYS Lunch

A reminder: Our November, FYS Lunch/Discussion is on Friday, Nov. 4, at noon in the Medbury Honors Lounge. While these meetings are designed for those currently teaching FYS, we welcome those with an interest in possibly teaching FYS in the future as well. If you would like to attend and for us to provide you with lunch please go to: by Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 10 a.m., and let us know your lunch preferences.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Have election fever?

Do you have election fever? Cowles Library has a subscription to CQ Press Voting and Elections Collection. This database integrates a wealth of data, analyses, and historical material to provide a powerful research and reference tool on voters, political parties, campaigns and elections, historical and modern races for Congress, the presidency, and governorships. It also includes the ability to generate customized data about candidates, voter turnout, party control, and more! For more information visit

—Claudia Frazer, Cowles Library

Fac/staff appreciation lunch & staff raffle

The Faculty/Staff $5 Appreciation Lunch hosted by Sodexo was held on Friday, Oct. 7. The All Staff Council Recognition Committee held a raffle in connection with the event to help encourage staff to attend and to let them know that they are appreciated for all of their work on campus. Over 60 staff members participated in the raffle, and two were selected: Ron Cliff, Facilities Planning and Management, and Jon Dixon, Information Technology Services (ITS). Ron won a Drake-branded backpack and commented that it was like winning the keys to a BMW! Jon won Drake-branded gloves which will be perfect for winter. Both items were donated by the Drake University Bookstore.

A big thank you to everyone! We love the staff at Drake and recognize that, without you, things would not run as smoothly as they do. Thank you.

Mark your calendars for the next Faculty/Staff $5 Appreciation Lunch, which will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 9, in Hubbell Dining Hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

—Sandra Harris, Chair, All Staff Council Recognition Committee

Learn more about the Slay Fund for Social Justice

The Slay Fund for Social Justice at Drake provides funding for students, staff, and faculty engaging in social justice work. Through the generosity of the Slay family and other contributors, our campus has hosted high-profile activists and speakers; faculty and staff have developed pedagogies for social justice learning; and students have engaged in research, as well as direct social justice activism. Please join Professor of Law, Politics, and Society Renee Cramer, who directs the fund, on Nov. 10 from noon to 1 p.m. in Medbury Hall, Room 202, for a conversation about funding possibilities for your idea.

—Renee Cramer, Law, Politics & Society