Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

Another phishing simulation coming soon

A few weeks ago, we sent out phishing simulation emails to 500 random faculty and staff members. We’re happy to say that nearly everyone who received a phishing simulation email either didn’t open the email, or didn’t click the link. Great job, everyone!

Later this week, we’ll be sending out the next phishing simulation email to another random 500 faculty and staff members. Again, if you receive the email and open the attachment, you’ll be sent to an informational page. If you receive an email you suspect is phishing, simulated or not, please forward it as an attachment to

Participating in training like this is an effective and risk-free way to learn about the dangers of phishing and help protect individual and campus data. If you have questions or concerns, please contact

Learn even more about how to secure your digital life by visiting our blog at

And don’t forget you have just a few days left to enter the ITS phishing contest at!

—Peter Lundstedt, Information Security Manager 

New procedure for classroom computer maintenance

ITS is changing the way we perform maintenance on classroom computers. Starting this December, all user profiles on classroom computers will be deleted during winter and summer breaks. This means that any files or settings that faculty have saved on classroom computers will be deleted at the end of each semester. All installed programs will remain.

In order to not lose any important files, faculty should make sure to remove personal files prior to the end of each semester.

By deleting user profiles each semester, ITS can improve data security, shorten log in times, preserve disk space, and avoid keychain issues on Mac computers.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this change, please contact Jerel Krueger at 271-2338 or

—Carla Herling, ITS

Spring Semester Writing Project

We will, again, be organizing the Spring Semester Writing Project, where Drake faculty have the opportunity to work with Director of Writing Instruction Jody Swilky to facilitate improved student writing in their classes. You can learn more in the Spring Writing Project Information. If you would like to participate, please contact Sandra Harris ( by Wednesday, Nov. 30.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Thinking about teaching a J-Term course?

 A reminder: We will have two sessions for those new to teaching J-Term classes or considering teaching J-Term classes in the future to have conversations with experienced J-Term instructors. The session for on-campus J-Term classes is Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 3:30 p.m. The session for J-Term travel seminars is Monday, Dec. 5, at 3:30 p.m. Both sessions are in CR 310, on the second floor in Olmsted.

It is time to consider offering a J-Term 2018 on-campus class. Schools and colleges will be assembling the J-Term 2018 schedule early in the spring semester. You should use whatever process your school/college uses to schedule classes. If it is a new class that needs AOI approval, once it has been approved by the appropriate department/school/college you should submit the appropriate AOI request form to the University Curriculum Committee. The only difference in the process for J-Term—compared to a normal semester—is that once the class is scheduled, we ask that you provide that information to Associate Provost Arthur Sanders so that we can put the information on the J-Term website.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

ITS phishing season is still underway

Visit to go phishing with ITS until Dec. 1. Faculty, staff, and students are invited to take a quiz to learn more about how to identify phishing emails and fraudulent websites. Taking the quiz enters you for a chance to win a Bluetooth speaker or headphones.

Learn even more about how to secure your digital life by visiting our security blog at

—Carla Herling, ITS

Seeking volunteers for poverty simulations

This week, the Office of Community Engaged Learning will be holding two Poverty Simulations for 110 pharmacy students. We are looking for volunteers to fill roles during the both simulations.

The simulations will be held:
Thursday, Nov. 17, 1*–4 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 18, 1*–4 p.m.

*We ask that volunteers come 30 minutes before the simulation starts in order to complete training for the experience. The simulation will conclude by 3 p.m., but you are welcome to stay for the debriefing and reflection from 3 to 4 p.m.

The poverty simulation is meant to help sensitize participants to the struggles people in poverty face on a daily basis. During the simulation, participants role-play the lives of low-income families, from single parents trying to care for their children to senior citizens trying to maintain their self-sufficiency on Social Security. Time is represented by four 15-minute periods, each representing one week. The task of each family is to provide food, shelter, and other basic necessities during the simulation while interacting with various community resources (e.g., bank, pawnshop, childcare center, school, employer, grocery store, etc.) that are staffed by volunteers. Afterward, participants and staffers conduct a debriefing.

Click here to see a list of the Community Resource Volunteer roles.

If you are able to help with the Thursday poverty simulation please sign-up by Nov. 15 using our Volunteer Sign-Up Form.

—Renee Sedlacek, Community Engagement and Service-Learning

Thinking about teaching a J-Term course?

We will have two sessions for those new to teaching J-Term classes or considering teaching J-Term classes in the future to have conversations with experienced J-Term instructors. The session for On-campus J-Term classes is Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 3:30 p.m. The session for J-Term travel seminars is Monday, Dec. 5, at 3:30 p.m. Both sessions are in CR 310, on the second floor in Olmsted.

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Flu shot clinic for faculty and staff

The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is hosting a flu shot clinic on Nov. 16, or individual appointments can be accommodated. Please sign up for a flu shot appointment online.

This year, the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences student pharmacists and faculty will be holding the flu shot clinics on campus in Fitch Pharmacy Lab, Room 102. You will receive an email the day before your scheduled appointment with details.

If you have any questions regarding the flu shots, please contact

—Wendy Mobley Buckstein, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences