Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

Call for nominations for Nelson Institute Advisory Group member

The mission of the Roland and Mary Nelson Institute on Diplomacy and International Affairs is to provide in-depth international knowledge and experiences for students who wish to pursue careers in international affairs. The three-member advisory group establishes and maintains policies and procedures for the Institute’s major programs, including Visiting Diplomats, the annual Nelson Conference, the Student Conference Travel Fund, and the Global Pressing Issues Grant. The advisory group works with the director of the Institute and University administration to develop strategies that advance the mission of the Institute.

The dean of arts and sciences and executive director for global engagement and international programs are accepting self-nominations or expressions of interest from full-time, tenured faculty interested in serving a three-year term on the Nelson Institute Advisory Group. Please forward a letter of interest and CV highlighting your background in international affairs to Denise Ganpat ( by March 15.

—Denise Ganpat, Drake International

Spring Break Book Club meeting

There is still time to read the Spring Break Book Club book!  We have been reading the 2017 All Iowa Reads bookBottomland, by Michelle Hoover. Cowles Library has books available for checkout at the circulation desk.

Please see the attached flyer for additional information. Contact Sara Heijerman at if you have any questions, would like to receive future book club info directly to your email, or would like to RSVP for the discussion.  Our Spring Break discussion will be Tuesday, March 14, at 4:45 (Mars Cafe).

The author of this book will also be visiting Central Library at 7 p.m. on March 7. We will not be attending as a group, but feel free to attend this event if you are able.

We hope you’ll enjoy the book recommendation; we’ve also pre-selected our summer book, if you want to get a jump start on the next great read. We’ll be reading Lab Girl by Hope Jahren.  Happy reading.

Drake Book Club – previous selections:

  • The Kind Worth Killing – Peter Swanson
  • Thirteen Ways of Looking – Colum McCann
  • The Boys in the Boat – Daniel James Brown
  • The Nest – Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney
  • Hidden Figures – Margo Lee Shetterly
  • Bottomland – Michelle Hoover (current selection)
  • Lab Girl – Hope Jahren (summer break selection)

—ASC Special Events Committee and Cowles Library
Sara Heijerman and Dan Chibnall (Current Book Club Contacts)

Identify potential students for Fulbright opportunities

The coordinator of post-graduate scholarships Karen Leroux relies on faculty and staff to identify potential Fulbright applicants and encourage those students to seek more information and apply.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers several kinds of grants for motivated and high-achieving students to study, conduct academic research, engage in the creative and performing arts, or teach English in a range of countries after they earn a bachelor’s degree.

The most common types of student awards are: 1) Study/research grants, in which graduates design their own projects to conduct abroad; and 2) English Language Teaching Assistant (ETA) programs, which place graduates in classrooms abroad to assist in teaching English while serving as cultural ambassadors for the United States.

Who might be a promising potential Fulbright applicant? Generally, it’s a student …

  • with the interests and temperament to serve as a cultural ambassador representing the United States
  • who is prepared to adapt to living outside the country for up to one year and actively seeks to immerse him or herself in the host country
  • with a strong academic or artistic record of achievement and persistence
  • who is actively engaged in the community or their chosen profession

If a promising student comes to mind, please suggest the Fulbright program and encourage him or her to contact Karen at to learn more about available opportunities.

You can also find more information at

—Dorothy Pisarski, Drake International communications liaison

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning lunch

The second of our spring semester Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lunches is Friday, March 10, at noon in TMR 133 (lower level of Olmsted). These discussions are opportunities for those engaged in SoTL projects at any level—from just thinking about starting one, to almost complete—or those simply curious about SoTL to share ideas, seek advice, or ask questions of colleagues engaged in this process. If you would like us to provide lunch for you, please register by Wednesday, March 8, at 10 a.m. at:  For more information, contact

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Global service-learning grant available

Three grants are available for global service-learning program development. Funding is awarded on a rolling basis until  June 30.

  1. Fellow Grant to develop global service-learning (GSL) programming. Funding to develop GSL partnerships or develop innovative GSL experiences. Faculty and staff can apply. Up to $9,000 for travel and $750 for release time.
  2. Match Grant for GSL project/course. Faculty, staff, and students can apply. Up to $500 toward project implementation resource needs.
  3. Mini Grants for GSL courses and cocurricular experiences. Faculty, staff, and students can apply. Up to $200 toward GSL resource needs.

Please visit this site for more information on each opportunity and how to apply.

—Amanda Martin, Community Engagement and Service-Learning

Instructors: Submit course materials requests for summer

It’s time to submit your course material requests for summer. The deadline for submitting your materials is March 15. Receiving your list of materials as soon as possible allows us to source the most affordable books for your students and provide top dollar for students selling books back at the end of this term. With our Online Adoption Tool, selecting your course materials is fast and easy.

Access the Online Adoption Tool

  1. Visit
  2. Go to Books in the top navigation, and under the Information heading, click Online Adoptions.
  3. If you need additional training to use the Online Adoption Tool, please contact me.

Are You a New User?

  1. Follow the steps listed above.
  2. Click on New? Register Here and complete the required fields.
  3. Enter 1623 in the Bookstore Supplied Password field.

Download the 6 Ways to Help Students Save on Textbooks to learn about Follett’s different types of course material purchasing options. If you have any questions about the Online Adoption Tool or how to save students money, please contact me anytime.

—Donna Hallstrom, Drake Bookstore

Faculty development breakfast

On March 22, 7:45–9 a.m., in Medbury Honors Lounge, hear from Sheila Smith, senior fellow for Japan studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of Intimate Rivals: Japanese Domestic Politics and a Rising China, as she discusses Asian nationalisms. Breakfast will be served. If interested in participating, please contact Mary McCarthy ( by March 3.

—Mary McCarthy, Department of Political Science