Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

Spring semester course material adoptions due Nov. 7

A reminder to those teaching J-Term and Spring 2024 courses to indicate your textbook and course material adoptions in the FAST adoption tool by November 7, 2023. If you will not require students to purchase a textbook for a course, mark those courses as “No Text Required” in FAST so students don’t see a “To Be Determined” message when they purchase course materials. 

If you have questions about course material adoptions, contact the Drake University Bookstore Team at

— Andrew Welch, Cowles Library

Student Success Spotlight featuring Natalie Adkins, associate professor of marketing

Welcome back to the Student Success spotlight, an opportunity to recognize the people and resources that make a difference in Drake students’ lives. Each week, we’ll shine a light on the outstanding individuals and initiatives that contribute to the success and growth of our community.

This week features Dr. Natalie Adkins, Associate Professor of Marketing, and “Coffee Talks with Dr. A.”

A New Spin on Office Hours

Over the summer I read many articles about faculty development and one article contained a little nugget of inspiration. The author wrote that if a faculty member wants to increase the number of students stopping by during office hours, then they shouldn’t call them “office hours” and they shouldn’t be held in the faculty member’s office.  So, I created “Coffee Talks with Dr. A” on Wednesday mornings in the Starbucks’ area of Olmsted. I made a sign inviting students to come over and chat. Anyone can pull up a chair to chat—current, former, and potential students, a colleague from across campus, or anyone who wants to talk with me.

I still do reserve time in my actual office for anyone who needs to speak with me in confidence, prefers to come in either before or after class or is interested in seeing the various “marketing” related items on my shelves.

Differences in Students’ Levels of Participation and Engagement

So far, students’ reactions to the “Coffee Talks” have been positive. Several students drop by to say, “Hi,” update me on things going on in their lives, ask me questions about material covered in class, seek advice on course registrations or share news on career opportunities. Once, a First-Gen student, who I will most likely never have in class, asked if he could come talk with me. Absolutely! We talked about networking, our own definitions of success, things we both overcame to get here, and what motivates him to pursue excellence at Drake.

In the Marketing Principles classes I teach in the Zimpleman College of Business, I explain to students the “product” needs to be available where it is wanted or needed. When I hold “Coffee Talks with Dr. A” in Olmsted, my hope is students will see me as approachable, relatable, and offering something of value.

My Favorite Thing about Drake Students

Seeing the proverbial “light bulb” go off in students’ eyes brings me joy. I am passionate about learning; I want students to be passionate about learning, too (admittedly some are not there yet). My favorite thing about Drake students is they aspire to do well AND to do good in the world. This semester a former student spoke in one of my classes. He quoted the American rapper Tupac Shakur who is widely considered one of the most influential and successful rappers of all time. Tupac said,

 I’m not saying I’m gonna’ rule the world or I’m gonna’ change the world, but I guarantee you that I will spark the brain that will change the world.

I’m not a rapper but, I’m confident Drake graduates will change the world…part of my job is to help them get there.

Thank you, Natalie for your creativity!  Let’s celebrate all the ways our community supports student succcess.  Please share your student success spotlight ideas!  Email Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Student Success.

— Melissa Sturm-Smith, Academic Excellence and Student Success

Last day to complete the Annual Survey of Administrative Services

Today is the last day to complete this year’s Survey of Administrative Services. It is completely anonymous and often takes less than five minutes to complete. You will only be asked to provide feedback on the areas you work with regularly. We need some more responses to match last years total, so please take the time today to provide input. If you have already, thank you!

— Nate Reagen, Office of the President

New auto basics BUILD class: How to winterize your car and change a tire

If you own a car–put this on your calendar.  Human Resources has added the class Auto Basics 101: How to Winterize Your Car and Change a Tire to the Fall BUILD schedule.

Iowa winters can be especially hard on your automobile.  One of your best defenses is to make sure your car is winterized for the season.  Attend this session to learn what you need to know to make sure your car is ready for winter AND what to do if you get a flat tire.

Join us on Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 11 a.m. to noon in the garage behind Facilities, Planning, and Management.  Terry Janssen, FPM mechanic, and Jessica Lang, director enrollment services, will be your guide.

Use the BUILD online registration form to sign up for this, and any other remaining Fall 2023 BUILD sessions.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Putting “wellness” into the Nov. 3 Benefits & Wellness Fair

Are you looking for more mental health resources? Would you like to find ways to eat healthier and be more active, get your blood pressure checked, and hang out with Griff II?

This is all included in the “wellness” portion of this Friday’s Benefits & Wellness Fair.

  • Employee & Family Resources (EFR) will be on-hand to share their mental health resources. In addition to counseling, EFR offers financial and legal consulting, eldercare and childcare resources, and life coaching.
  • Samantha Matt, our on-campus dietitian, will answer your nutrition questions. She will also be facilitating a Gut Health BUILD class on Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 2–3 p.m. in Olmsted CR 310/311. Take advantage of both opportunities.
  • Students from the Drake Athletic Training Club will offer free blood pressure checks. It is always good to know this number.  There will also be students from the Kinesiology capstone class on-hand to discuss the connection between physical activity and mental health, and how physical activity can help reduce your chances of getting a cold or the flu this season.
  • And, we will have staff from Recreational Services ready to share information on upcoming Group X classes, and much more.

Griff II will make an early appearance so don’t be late. The annual Benefits & Wellness Fair will be held this Friday, Nov. 3, from 9–11:30 a.m. in Levitt Hall, in Old Main.

— Linda Feiden, Human Resources

Upgrade your computer to Windows 11

ITS is pleased to announce that faculty and staff are eligible to upgrade their computers to Windows 11. To start the process, simply enter a Software Request ticket through our service portal. A campus tech will reach out to you to assist with the upgrade. 

We encourage everyone to upgrade as soon as it’s convenient; this allows you to upgrade on your timeframe and avoid a forced upgrade at a later date. 

If you have questions, contact us by submitting a ticket though the service portal ( or by calling the Support Center at 515-271-3001. 

— Jerome Hilscher, ITS

Share ideas and concerns with Access to Success Nov. 1 during office hours

How Can I Help?

If you are wondering how to offer support for your students or are wanting assistance providing accommodations, let’s chat.

Join me on Wednesday, Nov. 1, in the Olmsted Starbucks between 1–3 p.m.  I would love to discuss your concerns and offer guidance on how to navigate the rest of the semester.

Michelle Laughlin, Director of Access & Success

In memoriam: Claudia Murphy, beloved Head Start staff member

It is with a very heavy heart that I share that Claudia Murphy, former Drake University Head Start staff member, passed away on Oct. 15.  Please see below for her obituary.

For those that were not fortunate enough to know or work with Claudia, she was with the Drake University Head Start for more than 30 years—since January of 1990.  Claudia retired in February 2023.

Claudia was instrumental in establishing our agency’s governance structure, coordinating and facilitating many variations of that structure,  supporting thousands of parents and families, recruiting and coordinating with numerous community members as well as University Leadership. Claudia was fiercely committed to the belief that parents and families are their child’s first and most important teacher, and she lived that out through the work she did every day.  Her drive and passion to support and engage families was infectious.

Claudia also led the agency’s work in recruiting, training and supporting community volunteers and helping to generate non-federal share. Connecting our program to individuals and organizations throughout central Iowa, bringing them into the program, generating donations to support the work staff do, and showcasing the program for the past 30 years.

She also helped to bring the Living History Farms, Science Center and Zoo events to our families every year – rain or shine, snow storms and all.

Claudia had a one-of-a-kind ability to engage and uplift parents and families. Her kindness and integrity are unmatched. You simply could not be in Claudia’s presence and not feel safe, supported and empowered.  When you were with Claudia, you knew you mattered!

What Claudia has contributed to Drake University Head Start and the communities we serve is truly remarkable and immeasurable. When I look at the high quality, supportive, innovative and impactful program that Drake University Head Start is today, I see Claudia’s influence throughout. She was passionate about Head Start. Claudia truly embodied everything that is our core values, and she will be missed beyond measure.

Read Claudia’s full obituary here.

— Lisa Proctor, Director of Drake University Head Start/Early Head Start

Student Success Spotlight: Timm Pilcher

Welcome back to the Student Success spotlight, an opportunity to recognize the people and resources that make a difference in Drake students’ lives. Each week, we’ll shine a light on the outstanding individuals and initiatives that contribute to the success and growth of our community.

This week features Timm Pilcher, Professional and Academic Support Specialist in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, who takes an innovative approach to office hours.

Tell us a little bit about your creative approach to office hours:

Tuesdays with Timm came about because of my love of walking the Bulldog Mile. Ideally I try to get out daily and walk a couple of laps, although some days are better than others. My Associate Dean, Dr. Kelly Bruhn, noticed this and asked if I would be willing to put it out there for students to join as an alternative way for them to connect to the School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC) and their academic and career advisor.

What prompted you to make the change?

Most know I’m a pretty non-traditional person in many ways, and any alternatives that I can use to connect with students, I’ll try. Especially for EFRs, the college transition can be daunting, and I used to tell my high school students that they needed to bridge any barriers between themselves and their professors and advisors to ease that transition. This is just one bridge to use.

Talk about any differences you experienced in level of participation, student engagement, etc.

I think students can really relate to being approachable by any means, and I know that Tuesdays with Timm and the “open door” policy of everyone the SJMC make for a family-like atmosphere within the school, allowing for students to have better relationships and thus better outcomes and achievement.

What is your favorite thing about teaching and advising Drake students?

Oh my gosh, that’s a tough question. Coming from 30 years of working in public education (a field I never would have imagined myself getting into when I first went to college) I realized that I absolutely love working with students. They are smart, funny, and creative, and they bring a lot of energy! I consider myself a pretty high-energy person, so it’s a good fit!

Please share your student success spotlight ideas!  Email Melissa Sturm-Smith, Associate Provost for Student Success.

Neighborhood Playwright Series: Call for submissions

Drake University Department of Theatre Arts seeks new, original plays by local playwrights as part of the 2024 Neighborhood Playwrights Series. Entries will be read by a committee of Drake Theatre students and faculty. The writer of the winning entry for this year’s Series will receive a prize of $500 and have their work produced as a public reading for two performances as part of Drake Theatre’s Main Stage Season.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 8th, 2024.
The winning entry will be announced on or before Monday, June 3rd, 2024. Rehearsals will begin Monday, August 26th, 2024 with performances on Friday, September 13th and Saturday, September 14th, 2024.

If you have any questions, you can e-mail Michael Rothmayer at the address listed above, or contact Jacob
Lemons, Administrative Assistant for the Department of Theatre Arts at (515) 271-2018 or
To see the complete list of rules online, go to:

— Jacob Lemons, Fine Arts