Category Archives: For Faculty Archive

Student feedback via the Starfish Progress Survey

The Spring 2024 Progress Survey is live in Starfish. Faculty with high enrollment of first-year, second-year, and transfer students were invited via email to provide positive and constructive feedback to students.

There are five tracking items and instructors have the ability to make comments that are visible to students:

·       You Are Off to a Strong Start Kudos

·       Attendance Concern Flag

·       Low Test Grade Flag

·       Missing/Late Assignments Flag

·       Tutoring Referral

The Progress Survey will be open until Friday, March 8. Instructors can manually raise flags at any point in the semester.

For assistance with Starfish, please email

— Laura Shell, Academic Excellence and Student Success

Contracting resources and programs available this spring

Who can sign University contracts? What are important things to look out for when reviewing contracts? When are insurance provisions required in contracts? Where should we send completed contracts?

These questions can be answered by consulting the contracting resources section of the Drake University Risk and Insurance office web page. Sign up now for an overview of these resources and an opportunity to ask questions about the contracting process at Drake. Virtual (TEAMS) sessions are planned as follows:

Monday, March 18, from 2–2:45 p.m.

Thursday, March 21, from 11–11:45 a.m.

Please send an e-mail to to register for one of the above listed sessions.

In addition, for a deeper dive into contracting principles, we are offering an on-demand online training program. If you would like to view that program, please e-mail to request access information.

— Venessa Macro, Chief Administration Officer

FPM shares results of Administrative Services Fall 2023 survey

The annual Survey of Administrative Services, SAS, is an opportunity for faculty and staff to provide feedback on how services are performed across the campus.  Facilities Planning and Management uses this input to celebrate our successes over the last year and where opportunities for improvement may lie within our team.

Survey respondents provided largely positive feedback about FPM services.  Satisfaction with FPM staff courtesy, professionalism, knowledge, timeliness, resolution of issues and communication regarding work orders and projects received similar ratings to last year.

The eleven FPM specific services that were evacuated received ratings in which some services were slightly lower this year than the past year, with a few services receiving higher marks. Grounds team is this year’s winner of the FPM Golden Bulldog Award, 2nd year in a row, for receiving the highest satisfactory rating within FPM at 4.57 out of 5. Congratulation to the Grounds Team!

Overall satisfaction with FPM dipped a little from the previous year.  We contribute this to several factors, the lower number of respondents to the survey, and from the comments, truly understanding the role of FPM.  Our team is dedicated to maintaining campus buildings and grounds to the best of our abilities.  We recognize there are some outdated systems and infrastructure, but those are still operational due to the hard work of the staff.  We would like nothing more that be able to remodel and updated every building, until that time, our staff is ensuring that the learning environment is to the utmost main concern of our mission.

FPM continues to review areas of opportunities for improvement.  This coming year communication to the campus remains a top priority.  Keeping everyone updated on work orders or projects that affect their daily routine tends to be an area that gets many comments on the survey.  Being proactive and reporting and addressing issues prior to those becoming larger concerns is going to be followed through by our front-line staff.  Lastly, FPM will continue to exhibit the core values in everything we do.

— Kevin Moran, Facilities Planning and Management, Executive Director

Troyer Research Fellowship 

In 2009, the Drake University Board of Trustees in 2009 voted to create the Ronald Troyer Research Fellowship Endowment for full-time faculty members in recognition of Dr. Troyer’s many contributions to Drake University during his tenure as Provost, 2000-2009.  In creating this fellowship, the Trustees particularly wanted to recognize Provost Troyer’s unwavering commitment to the support of faculty research and development at the highest level. The Fellowship is awarded annually based on a competitive application process conducted by the Office of the Deputy Provost. Selection of the Troyer Research Fellow from among the applicants is based on the applicant’s record of scholarly accomplishment and future promise as a scholar. 

The Troyer Research Fellow receives an award of $5,000 in support of his/her scholarly work. The funds must be spent in the fiscal year in which they were awarded and may be used for a variety of research-related purposes, including support of research assistants, equipment, travel and materials, but funds may not be used to provide a stipend for the recipient.  A faculty member is not eligible for more than one Troyer Research Fellowship in a ten-year period. 

To apply, please submit a 5–7 page document including:

  • A narrative of the work to be accomplished that includes a timeline for its completion, and the intended outcomes (i.e.: type of publication, performance, or presentation).
  • A one-paragraph abstract written for a non-specialist audience summarizing the proposed research.
  • A preliminary budget suggesting how the dollars might be spent.
  • An abbreviated cv that highlights relevant research and creative work, teaching and service.

The application materials should address the applicant’s record of scholarly accomplishment, future promise, how they will benefit and how the university will benefit if they are selected as the Troyer Research Fellow. Applications must be submitted to the Office of the Deputy Provost Office (via electronic submission to on or before Feb. 16, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by a committee comprised of former Troyer Fellows and other faculty holding endowed professorships. The committee will make recommendations to the Deputy Provost and the Fellowship will be awarded by the Provost after confirmation by the Board of Trustees. 

— Jimmy Senteza, Deputy Provost 

Nominations for Levitt Teacher Award

All Drake faculty, staff, and students are invited and encouraged to nominate a Drake faculty member for the Madelyn Levitt Teacher Award, created in 1994 in honor of Madelyn Levitt’s commitment to Drake, and her ongoing interest in faculty and staff achievement and academic excellence.  

Each year this award recognizes commitment to student success on the Drake campus by honoring a member of the Drake University faculty for excellence in teaching.   To nominate an individual, please submit a letter that speaks to the following qualifications:   

  •   an informed mind in inspirational dialogue with students.
  •   integrity in personal relationships.
  •   rigor in intellectual endeavors.
  •   contagious enthusiasm for her/his subject matter.

A nominee must be a faculty member holding the rank of instructor, or above, and in at least her/his fourth academic year of service.  A nominee cannot have won this award within the past five years. The letter of nomination is due to Deputy Provost Jimmy Senteza no later than February 16, 2024.  The letter should be sent as an attachment to and

The nominated individual will be notified by the Provost’s Office of her/his nomination and asked if they are willing to be considered.  

At the nominee’s acceptance, the nominator will be asked to collect the following supporting material and submit it to by March 16, 2024:   

  • a curriculum vitae;
  • a short statement, by the nominee, of educational philosophy or about methods of teaching;
  • teaching evaluations for the nominee for the previous two semesters.

A minimum of one additional letter supporting the nomination must be submitted. At least one letter of support must be from a current student and at least one letter of support must come from a faculty member, and there may be no more than five letters including the nomination letter and letters supporting the nomination. 

Electronic submission of materials is required. Send all documents to The 2024 recipient of the Madelyn Levitt Teacher Award will be announced at one of the spring 2024 commencements.

Additional information is available here.

— Jimmy Senteza, Deputy Provost 

Nominations for the Levitt Mentor Award

In 1994, the Madelyn Levitt Mentor Award was created in honor of Madelyn Levitt’s commitment to Drake and her ongoing interest in faculty and staff achievement and academic excellence. Each year this award recognizes commitment to student success on the Drake campus by honoring a member of the Drake University faculty or staff for excellence in advising and mentoring students.  

You are invited this year to nominate a faculty or staff member for this prestigious award.


1.  A letter of nomination should be submitted recommending an individual for the award and explaining the context and way the nominator has come to know the faculty or staff member.  This letter should speak to the following qualifications:

· an outstanding commitment to student success in and out of the classroom in support of the Drake mission.

· integrity in personal relationships.

· typifying the ideal student mentor by providing for students the support they need to graduate and move forward to live productive, fulfilling lives.

The nominee must be a faculty or staff member in at least her/his fourth year of service at the University.  The nominee cannot have won this award within the past five years. 

The letter is due to Deputy Provost Jimmy Senteza, no later than Feb. 16, 2024. The letter should be sent as an attachment to

2. The nominated individual is notified by the Provost’s Office of her/his nomination and asked of her/his willingness to be considered.

3.  At the nominee’s acceptance, the nominator is asked to collect the following supporting material and submit it to in the Provost’s Office by March 16, 2024: a curriculum vitae or resume, a minimum of one other letter supporting the nomination, and a description by the nominee of activities which illustrate her/his mentoring/advising involvement.  At least one of the letters must be from a current student and there may be no more than five letters supporting the nomination. Electronic submission of materials is required. Send all documents to

4.  A screening committee, appointed by the Provost, will review all nominations and make appropriate recommendations to the Provost.

5.   Any individual who was initially nominated for the award in 2022 or 2023 may be re-nominated if the nominator resubmits a letter offering the individual for consideration this year. Files of previous nominees are maintained for two years.  In the case of re-nomination, the nominator will be invited to review the file to ensure that the nomination is as current as possible. The limit of five letters of support, including one from a current student, also applies to re-nominations.

The 2024 recipient of the Madelyn Levitt Mentor Award will be announced at one of the spring 2024 commencements.

— Jimmy Senteza, Deputy Provost

Faculty Senate accepting nominations for at-large senator seats

Faculty Senate nominations are now open for the four at-large senator seats. The term is for two years, beginning the Monday after the spring commencement of 2024 and running through the spring commencement of 2026.

Submit nominations here for eligible full-time faculty members who want to serve on the Faculty Senate. Self-nominations are welcome. All eligible faculty members have received an email regarding their eligibility.

Nominations are due by Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, by 11:59 p.m.

Click here for Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations regarding Senators and Elections.

Click here to learn more about the Faculty Senate.

— Katherine Coady, On behalf of the Faculty Senate

Faculty Writing Group

Drake faculty members are invited to participate in a faculty writing group (FWG). The group will meet by zoom on Fridays from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Feb. 9
  • March 8
  • March 29
  • April 12
  • May 10

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this Google form so we know to send you the zoom link.

All Drake faculty are welcome to participate in the FWG. We have funds to provide a small stipend of approximately $150 to ten faculty who attend all group meetings. Should more than 10 individuals express interest, priority shall be given to 1) Those who participated in the previous FWGs, 2) Tenure-track faculty, and 3) Faculty who are members of under-represented groups. This writing group is supported by the Humanities Center and the Deputy Provost. People who can only attend some of the sessions are encouraged to participate if doing so helps their writing.

Our goals will be to help ourselves make progress on our scholarship during the semester, and do so more efficiently and enjoyably. In our meetings we will discuss our goals, plans, and progress on our writing, share how we organize our writing time, and discuss challenges in our writing. Depending on participant interest we will workshop each other’s work and write on site. If there’s interest, we can read a book on organizing an academic writing life such as Joli Jensen’s Write No Matter What. We’re pleased to say the group is in its sixth year and continues to be rewarding.

If you have questions, please contact Gabriel Ford at and Nate Holdren at

— Nate Holdren, Law, Politics & Society