Drake University’s Center for Professional Studies will host a pair of one-day seminars that teach business professionals to understand and interpret financial statements. Each seminar provides attendees with the knowledge and skills they need to make good business decisions using the information contained within financial statements. Both seminars are held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.: the Friday, April 20 session focuses on financial statements for banks, and the Thursday, May 10 session focuses on financial statements of insurance companies. Gary Porter, distinguished lecturer in Drake’s College of Business and Public Administration, will lead both seminars. Porter has led numerous training programs for bankers in Chicago; he teaches a graduate-level course at Drake on the financial services industry and previously worked as a staff accountant for Deloitte & Touche. The cost of $229 (per seminar) includes all necessary materials and a catered lunch. More information and registration is online.
This free event will focus on women inspiring and encouraging one another in reaching STEM goals. The Women in STEM Social is scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. in Levitt Hall. The night features guest speakers and a dessert reception. Optional tours of Drake’s new STEM facilities—Collier-Scripps Hall and the Science Connector Building—will be offered prior to the event. Attire is smart casual. The social is hosted by the Drake University Chemistry Club and Drake’s Women in Math and Computer Science organization. Register by March 30.
The work of several School of Journalism and Mass Communication students is among the finalists in the Society of Professional Journalists Region 7 contest. The finalists are in 10 categories ranging from news reporting to multimedia:
Kelli Welter, P2, was named national president-elect of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP).
Kelli Welter, second year pharmacy student at Drake University, was recently elected National President-elect of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP), a position that involves service and leadership for approximately 34,000 student pharmacist members across the United States. The one-year term will prepare Welter for her role as president of the association for the 2019-2020 academic year.
“I am excited to represent Drake University at the national level,” said Welter. “As a leader within the association, I hope to do my part to advance the future of pharmacy and create opportunities for professional growth for my fellow peers.”
Specifically, Welter said she is interested in strengthening collaboration and networking between APhA-ASP chapters, implementing more health and wellness initiatives at regional and national meetings, and easing the chapter reporting process so chapters can efficiently track the number of patients they are reaching at events.
Prior to her new role, Welter served as the APhA-ASP Generation Rx Chair and President-elect of the Drake University APhA-ASP Chapter. Additionally, she has spent the past four months as the Region 5 Regional Member-at-large.
The APhA-ASP is a subset of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), the largest association of pharmacists in the United States. The Drake University chapter of APhA-ASP has close to 200 members. Its mission is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, provide opportunities for professional growth, improve patient care, and envision and advance the future of pharmacy.
In addition to Welter’s election, Karli Brocherding, third year doctor of pharmacy student, earned a top-10 finish In the APhA-ASP Patient Counseling Competition. The 2018 competition, comprised of one student competitor from each student chapter, had 130 entries. Karli’s finish marks the third time in the last four years that a Drake student has achieved a top 10 finish.
Drake University’s pharmacy program, part of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, is highly regarded among peer institutions nationwide as affirmed by U.S. News & World Report, which named the program fifth among private institutions and included it on its 2017 “America’s Best Graduate Schools” list.
The College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences provides an intellectually stimulating learning environment with collaborative learning among students, faculty, and staff. Graduates are liberally educated professionals who are dedicated to serving their clients, patients, profession, and community. The college emphasizes excellence and leadership in professional education, service, and scholarship. For more information about the college, visit its website.
Members of the Human Resources team will be available Thursday, March 26, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Olmsted Center’s Drake Room. This is a convenient opportunity for you to talk with HR Partner Services about any HR topic that’s on your mind. You’re also welcome to schedule a meeting at the HR offices, 3206 University Avenue, if another time works better for you. We look forward to meeting with you and hearing your ideas for making Drake an even better place to work.
Naming your beneficiary, and keeping the information current, puts you in control of what happens to your retirement account, if something happens to you.
Updating your beneficiary information is quick and easy to do online:
Go to TIAA.org and log into your account.
Under the My Account tab, select Profile and choose Add/edit beneficiaries.
Designate beneficiaries and select how much each should receive.
You may also update your beneficiary information by submitting a completed TIAA Beneficiary Form to the following address:
PO Box 1268
Charlotte, NC 28201-1268
Missing or outdated beneficiary information can create significant delays and costs for those your leave behind. If have questions or need assistance, contact TIAA at 800-842-2252.
Nominations are now being accepted for the Madelyn M. Levitt Distinguished Community Service Award and the Madelyn M. Levitt Employee Excellence Award. Nominations are due to Human Resources by Friday, March 30, at 4:30 p.m. Late nominations will not be accepted.
Madelyn M. Levitt Distinguished Community Service Award
Madelyn M. Levitt established the Distinguished Community Service Award to recognize the outstanding contributions of Drake faculty and staff to the Drake community. Recipients are chosen on the following criteria:
A demonstrated personal commitment to volunteerism and community service
An outstanding record of leadership or substantial involvement in community projects, services, and activities contributing to the quality of life in our region, state, and/or the nation
Professional and personal values and behavior that typify the ideals of “giving back to others” and “making a difference in the lives of others”
The nominee must be a current faculty or staff member with at least five years of service at Drake.
Madelyn M. Levitt Employee Excellence Award
The Employee Excellence Award is presented to a staff member who demonstrates exceptional commitment to excellence in the performance of their duties. Criteria for the award include:
Exceptional performance as an employee of Drake University
Outstanding dedication to providing courteous, prompt, and quality service
Demonstrated commitment to University programs, initiatives, and services
Professional values and behavior that demonstrate exceptional service to others and a commitment to Drake University
The nominee must be a current staff member with at least one year of service at Drake.
To nominate a colleague, submit a letter of nomination to the Levitt Award Committee, care of (c/o) Human Resources. Nomination letters may be sent through campus mail or electronically to drakehr@drake.edu.
A nomination letter detailing specific examples of how the nominee exemplifies each of the applicable criteria is desirable. Additional letters of support are not necessary. A review committee will make award recommendations to the President’s Council.
Each month, a faculty member, nominated by their dean, is recognized for their efforts to integrate innovative technology into the classroom. March’s digital faculty member of the month is Michael Q. Rieck, associate professor of computer science. Read an interview between ITS and Mark.
What type of technology do you use?
VirtualBox with Ubuntu and Minix virtual disks
In what context do you use this technology?
Lab work, during regular class sessions
In what course do you use this technology?
CS 160: Operating Systems
How does this type of technology align with your teaching pedagogy?
It gives students an opportunity to do some Linux systems programming, and to rewrite source code for Minix and explore the effects.
Where did you get the inspiration to make a change?
It started more than a decade ago. Minix goes along with a textbook by Tanenbaum, and I wanted students to wrestle with OS source code, and Minix seemed easier than Linux.
How long did it take for you to implement this technology?
Including labs that I developed, it took about half a year to get it all set up.
Did ITS assist you in implementing this technology?
Yes, particularly with the installation of VirtualBox in FAC 335, which is a room I depended upon for Ubuntu and Minix labs, until recently.
Are you interested in trying out new technology in your classroom? Want help from ITS staff? Schedule a technology adoption consultation.
In support of Drake’s increased programming for first generation students, Provost Mattison is hosting an ice cream social on Wednesday, April 4, from 4 to 5 p.m. in Shivers Hospitality Suite. This is an opportunity to celebrate Drake’s first generation students, staff, and faculty and to continue building relationships and support within the community.
If you are able to attend, please RSVP by Friday, March 30.
Reminder: The next Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lunch is Friday, March 30, at 12 p.m. in Medbury Hall, Room 201. The lunch discussion is an opportunity for those engaged in SoTL projects at any level—from just thinking about starting one, to almost complete, or those simply curious about SoTL—to share ideas, seek advice, or ask questions of colleagues engaged in the process. While it is too late to sign up for a lunch, you are welcome to attend and bring your own lunch.