All posts by Aaron Jaco

Surprise your sweetheart

Surprise your sweetheart, roommate, teacher, coach, co-worker, or supervisor with a singing valentine presented by members of the Drake Choir. We offer a special student price of $10 for a single rose and song delivered to campus locations bounded by 25th Street to 34th Street, University Avenue to Forest Avenue. You’ll need to supply your student ID number in order to qualify for this Bulldog Ballad.

Drake Choir members will deliver singing valentines on Tuesday, Feb. 14, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. and 5:30–8 p.m.

Why a singing valentine? In addition to winning brownie points with your valentine, you’ll be supporting the Drake Choir’s upcoming international tours. No University funds are used for these tours, so your support if important and greatly appreciated.

Two easy ways to order:

Order deadline is Feb. 8, so order now.

—Aimee Beckmann Collier, Department of Music

Drake University Career Fair

Don’t miss your opportunity to connect with employers and graduate and professional schools at the Drake University Career Fair, Feb. 9, 3–6 p.m. (3–3:30 seniors only, all students, 3:30–6 pm), in Upper Olmsted.

To view registered companies and organizations attending, access the mobile guide with one of the following methods:

Bring copies of your résumé to share with employers. Professional attire is required.

What is professional attire?
Men:  Suit and tie; If you don’t own a suit, wear trousers, a button-down shirt, tie, or blazer/sportcoat.
Women:  Suit; If you don’t own a suit, wear dress pants or skirt and a nice blouse or sweater/blazer/dressy jacket.
No jeans or sweatpants.

If you are uncertain about what to wear or have questions about the event, please contact your Professional and Career Development Services staff:

Annette Watson:
Chrystal Stanley:
Kate Evans:            

—Kate Evans, Professional and Career Development Services

Math Lab opens Feb. 6

The Math Lab provides assistance to students registered for any class at Drake in which math question might arise (not just math courses). Peer tutors are prepared to help students with homework or exam preparation, both with reviewing old topics or learning new ones. The Math Lab is located in the basement of Cowles Library and is open during the following hours:

Sunday: 6–9 p.m.
Monday–Thursday: 11 a.m.–9 p.m.

—Milan Sherman, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Confidential support available on campus

Drake offers several confidential resources on campus for students wanting assistance in dealing with sexual assault, physical assault, relationship violence, or stalking. All of these resources are confidential – your name will not be shared with the University or others without your permission.

  • The Student Counseling Center is available for all students to receive counseling. Several staff are specifically trained in dealing with trauma and also EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), which can be helpful for anyone with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Call 515-271-3864 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.
  • There is a professional sexual assault advocate from Crisis Intervention Services holding regular office hours in Cowles Library, Room 109 on Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. during the spring semester. An advocate is a resource who can provide support, talk through options, and address concerns related to the student’s experience.
  • Certified student advocates are also available through Violence Intervention Partners (VIP) and can be reached by phone or text 24/7 at 515-512-2972. Similar to a professional advocate, student advocates can talk through options, listen, and provide support.
  • The Drake University Spiritual Counselor is an ordained minister who can speak with students of any faith or belief in a confidential setting. Contact 515-274-3133 to learn more or to schedule a time to talk.

—Katie Overberg, Title IX Coordinator

Locksmith Steve Blaylock receives award

Steve Blaylock, locksmith in Facilities Planning and Management, received the Custodial/Maintenance of the Month award from the National Association of College and University Residence Halls, Inc. (NACURH) for the month of November. He was honored for his outstanding work on campus. Steve was nominated for his never-ending care for the welfare of the students residing in Ross Hall. His dedication to going above and beyond to resolve an issue extends to his approach with all members of the Drake campus. We extend our congratulations to Steve and are proud of his accomplishments.

Hard work and dedication are a standard in Facilities Planning and Management. In September of this year, the Facilities Grounds Department was nominated for the award, and although they did not win, we wish to express our gratitude for their efforts. In 2015 the custodial team for Crawford Hall was also nominated for their outstanding work.

—Venetta Hammond, Facilities Planning and Management

Five students semi-finalists for Fulbright scholarship

Last week, five Drake students received notification that they have been recommended as semi-finalists in the 2017–2018 Fulbright U.S. Student Program award competition. The semi-finalists are seeking awards to teach English (ETA) or conduct research (S/R); Drake’s semi-finalists are: Lara Cox (ETA Nepal), Ankita Dhussa (S/R India), Elena Dietz (ETA Indonesia), Nathan Jacobson (ETA Bulgaria), and Kelly Leatherman (ETA Malaysia).

The semi-finalists have been recommended by Fulbright’s U.S.-based National Screening Committees. The National Screening Committees typically recommend up to two times the number of candidates as there are grants available for a particular award. The semi-finalists’ applications will now go to the host country commissions for their consideration. The students will learn whether they receive an award between March and June of this year.

—Karen Leroux, Department of History