All posts by Aaron Jaco

This week in Drake Athletics: Feb. 6

Men’s Basketball
Drake vs. Illinois State
Feb. 7 at 7 p.m.
Knapp Center

Women’s Tennis
Drake vs. Iowa State
Feb. 10 at 4 p.m.
Roger Knapp Tennis Center

Women’s Basketball
Drake vs. Illinois State
Feb. 10 at 7 p.m.
Knapp Center
Women’s Tennis
Drake vs. Omaha
Feb. 11 at 11 a.m.
Roger Knapp Tennis Center

Men’s Tennis
Drake vs. Middle Tennessee
Feb. 12 at 9 a.m.
Roger Knapp Tennis Center

Women’s Basketball
Drake vs. Bradley
Feb. 12 at 2 p.m.
Knapp Center
*Baby Bowl at Halftime

Men’s Tennis
Drake vs. Omaha
Feb. 12 at 4 p.m.
Roger Knapp Tennis Center

—Tom Florian, Drake Athletics

Lecture by Google senior counsel

Wilson White, Google’s public policy and government relations senior counsel, will be on campus Feb. 9 to speak about the legal and public policy implications of artificial intelligence.

White counsels the Android, Google Play, Communications, and Hardware businesses on public policy issues. He also leads on the company’s global policy strategy for emerging tech issues around artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and Internet of Things.

His talk, “The Future is Now: Legal and Public Policy Implications for Artificial Intelligence,” will take place at 3 p.m. in Room 201 of Cartwright Hall. Free pizza and drinks provided.

—Shontavia Johnson, Intellectual Property Law Center

All Staff Council Spring Wellness Event

Our focus for this year’s Wellness Event is on mental health. What better way to do this than by eating, conversing, and playing some games? Sodexo has graciously donated some cookies, popcorn, and even a hot chocolate bar. We will have a massage table set up, so bring $10 and register for a time slot ahead of time. Finally, we will give away massages to two lucky people: first draw gets a 1-hour table massage, second draw gets a half-hour massage. See you there!

Time: 11 a.m.–1 p.m. (right after Healthy4U class in Olmsted, Room 310)
Location: Olmsted Center, Parents Hall North
Activities: Bean bag toss, horseshoes, board games, $10 massage, and vendors
Food: Popcorn, cookies, hot chocolate bar from Sodexo, and other vendor snacks
Massage: $10 massages, please register ahead of time (see link above)
Vendors: Hy-Vee, Drake Recreation and Wellness, Drake Counseling Center, and Sodexo

-Tom Heijerman and Marina Verlengia, All Staff Council

Drake Relays all-session tickets on sale now—faculty/staff discount

Purchase your all-session tickets for the 2017 Drake Relays and take advantage of discounted pricing. All Drake faculty and staff can purchase all-session tickets at the discounted price of $89 each (regular $95). Don’t miss out on any of the action on the Blue Oval; get your tickets today by calling 515-271-3647 or visiting the Drake Athletics Ticket Office Monday–Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Questions? Please contact the Drake Athletics Ticket Office at 515-271-3647 or

—Tom Florian, Drake Athletics

Register for the 2017 Drake Women & Leadership Symposium

The 2017 Drake Women & Leadership is scheduled for Friday, March 10. This event is designed to help Drake’s faculty and staff further develop their leadership skills and confidence. As an added bonus, attendees will receive credit toward Human Resources’ BUILD program. Faculty and staff are welcome to join for all or just part of the day, and lunch will be provided for registered attendees.

10 a.m.–Registration
10:30—Session 1: “Owning and Claiming the Powerful You” with Sarah Noll Wilson
12 p.m.—Lunch: Conversity!
1:30—Session: “Five Factors of Strength: Personality, Leadership, and Capitalizing on ‘You’” with Cris Wildermuth
3–4—Ice Cream Social and Networking

Register today at—seating is limited!

—Stephanie Cardwell, Entrepreneurship Centers

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning lunch

The first of our spring semester Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lunches is this Friday, Feb. 10 at noon in Medbury Hall, Room 201. These discussions are opportunities for those engaged in SoTL projects at any level—from just thinking about starting one to almost complete, or those simply curious about SoTL—to share ideas, seek advice, or ask questions of colleagues engaged in this process. If you would like us to provide lunch for you, please register by Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 10 a.m. at: For more information, contact

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost