All posts by Aaron Jaco

Student Disability Services’ “First Friday”

Student Disability Services “First Friday” series will have its last meeting on April 21 from 1 to 2 p.m. in Olmsted Center, Rooms 310/311. Annika Grassl, Jackie Heymann, and Courtney Nelson, members of Disability Action Awareness Community (DAAC) will share their experiences and ways to improve experiences for students with disabilities on campus followed by a Q&A.

—Leah Berte, Student Disability Services

This week in Drake Athletics: April 17

Drake vs. UNI (DH)
April 18 at 4 p.m.
Ron Buel Field

Women’s Tennis
Drake vs. Evansville
April 22 at 1 p.m.
Roger Knapp Tennis Center

Spring Game (Blue vs. White)
April 22 at 1 p.m.
Drake Stadium

Women’s Tennis
Drake vs. Southern Illinois
April 23 at 10 a.m.
Roger Knapp Tennis Center

—Tom Florian, Drake Athletics

These are YOUR Relays—don’t just watch!

Ever sat in the stands and dreamed of participating in the Drake Relays? Now you can! The Drake Road Races Half Marathon and 5K on Saturday, April 29, is not only for runners of all skill levels and ages, it is also for Drake students, faculty, and staff. Your association with Drake means you get something no one else gets, a price break!

Register online at Click on the Drake Road Races information. Register with your Drake email account and use the discount code bulldogs when prompted to save $5 off race registration.

Your race entry also includes admission to the Drake Relays Distance Carnival on Thursday night. But hurry; there is a fee increase coming up so sign up now and save even more. Make this year your race and your Drake Relays!

Grand Blue Mile | Tuesday, April 25 | 6 p.m. | Register Now | More Info

Drake Road Races | Saturday, April 29 | Half Marathon or 5K | Register Now

Bulldog Double | Griff – GBM and Half Marathon | Spike – GBM and 5K

—Tom Florian, Drake Athletics

Adams Leadership Convocation

Several students and organizations will be honored for their outstanding contributions to campus this year, including the prestigious Oreon E. Scott Award recipient. The Adams Leadership Convocation will take place on Friday, April 21, in Sheslow Auditorium. The program will begin promptly at 12:15 pm. Categories and nominees can be viewed online.

—Meghan Baeza, Student Leadership Programs

Final Scholarship of Teaching and Learning lunch

The final spring semester Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lunch is Friday, April 21, at noon in Medbury Hall, Room 201. These discussions are opportunities for those engaged in SoTL projects at any level—from just thinking about starting one to almost complete—or those simply curious about SoTL to share ideas, seek advice, or ask questions of colleagues engaged in this process. If you would like us to provide lunch for you, please register by Tuesday, April 18, at 10 a.m. online. For more information, contact

—Art Sanders, Associate Provost

Save the date for FREE cupcakes & kickball

Save the date (May 17 from 2 to 4 p.m.) for the annual All Staff Council Kickball Tournament! All Staff Council will be giving away free mini-cupcakes from Crème Cupcakes— available on a first come, first serve basis to all kickball players and NON-players.

Registration is open for four to six teams of up to 10 staff and/or faculty members. Games will be 25 minutes and winner determined when 25 minutes expires.

Need a team? Register as an individual and All Staff Council will assign you to a team or create a team of “free agents.”

Register to play by May 12 at

—All Staff Council Special Events Committee

Faculty: Sale of Examination Copies policy

From time to time, particularly at this time of year, there are outside book buyers soliciting Drake faculty to buy back their unwanted or unneeded textbooks. Please note that there is a Drake policy in the Faculty Manual regarding this practice:

2.163 Sale of Examination Copies
The sale of examination copies of textbooks is unethical and has undesirable long-run effects on professors and students alike. The Faculty Senate urges that the University Administration discourage book companies and other purchasers from mail or on-campus soliciting of faculty members to sell examination copies of textbooks.

—Caron Findlay, Finance and Administration

Use Bulldog Bucks for Uber

Faculty and staff—did you know you have a Bulldog Bucks account on your Drake ID card? Bulldog Bucks are used for food at campus dining locations, and recently, we’ve added the option to pay for an Uber ride!

Uber setup is easy:

1. Open the latest version of the Uber app.
2. Tap Payment, Add Payment, Campus Card, and Drake University.
3. Log in using your Drake ID and password, and you are ready to go!

This could be a great way to get around town during Relays week or while traveling on business; feel free to add funds to your Bulldog Bucks online before you need them.

Reach out to the Student Services Center if you have any questions or run into issues adding this payment method.

—Sara Heijerman, Student Card Office

Undocumented students webinar

On behalf of the Associate Provost for Equity & Inclusion, the Division of Student Life, and the Office of Student Inclusion, Involvement and Leadership, we invite all interested faculty and staff to participate in a one-hour webinar focusing on undocumented students. This online training is being facilitated through Teman Training and Consulting and will occur on May 3 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Drake Room located in the Olmsted Center. Please see the brief description of this webinar below:

Undocumented students and serving them at the college/university level is one of the hottest topics in higher education. Learn how to assist these students and understand the best way to maximize the service you offer them. The webinar on May 3 will address these issues not only on a national level, but also for your own state. I strongly encourage you and your office to attend.

No RSVP is necessary. However, if you are unable to attend, we will not be able to share any PowerPoint slides or videos since we do not own the rights to this training.

—Jerry Parker, Dean of Students